Nyran Reads: The Mutran Chronicles

So, I was bored, and because I enjoy doing my Mutran voice, I decided to record myself reading through the Mutran Chronicles, and maybe more in the future.

For now, my reading of Chapter 1: Vocaroo | Online voice recorder

Hope you enjoy. I don’t think there’s any White noise this time, so it should be okay. If my voice is grating to you, please let me know, and I will cease these readings.


I’m not sure what accent you have, but your voice is great. I wouldn’t mind hearing The Mutran Chronicles in your voice. They’re really good :slight_smile:

Behold! Chapter 2: Vocaroo | Online voice recorder

And Chapter 3: Vocaroo | Online voice recorder I stutter a bit at the end, but that was my fourth attempt, so I decided good enough.


this is awesome. thank’s alot for recording this :wink:

Chapters 4 and 5 are here! Halfway done already, man.

Chapter 4: Vocaroo | Online voice recorder

Chapter 5: Vocaroo | Online voice recorder


so sad that you deleted it