OC/Self-MOC Bionicle Data Gatherer

I am doing a Data Gathering/Analysing project for school. So I decided to do it on Bionicle! More specifically, custom characters. The quiz is here. I would greatly appreciate your input.

Also, the answers are anonymous. All I need you to do is answer the questions. I WILL BE DELETING ANY ENTRIES THAT ARE UNPROFESSIONAL, DO NOT FOLLOW THE QUESTION, OR BOTH.


TFM101, Pink Fluffy Bionicle, Forever Alone.


@TFM101 Are the answers anonymous?

As in you can’t see the Google account that sent it to you?


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Yes. All I ask is gender, then that’s it for personal information.

I think would be a good idea if you made it so the last two questions were not required, because I had to answer them, even though I didn’t have a self-MOC


You already made me take this…

Sorry for that. Automatic mode. :sheepish_grin:

Thanks for the input!

What exactly is the difference between a selfMOC and OC? self MOC being that you built a Moc for it and OC being just a character and no MOC?


I do so believe. However, I myself am unsure.


I believe he meant that we have a self character, but it may or may not have physical representation.

Is something going to be done with this information to figure out trends in the community?

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No, it’s for a school project, but I might apply this at later places to, yes, [quote=“JoeScibelli, post:9, topic:24411”]
figure out trends in the community

Thanks for the suggestion. But, however, some people aren’t abiding to the rules I laid out, and therefore, can’t gather accurate information.

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Took the test, I liked it. Hope you get a good grade, and I’m excited to see the results.

I took the test. You should see my self-moc topic up soon.

I wonder who would do such a terrible thing?

I need to know now: what type of gender is “CIS SKUM”?

This is a school project, with a report being presented about it. I want this to be professional, and by definition, you guys at the boards, at least on this topic, have to be professional. I WILL BE DELETING ANY ENTRIES THAT ARE UNPROFESSIONAL, DO NOT FOLLOW THE QUESTION, OR BOTH.


Rule #1 of the internet:

Never rely on people for professionalism.


I know, but still. Did you know that there is a supposed gender called “demiqueer foxkin”?


You can find that on google

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I took it. [quote=“Anaru_LST, post:19, topic:24411, full:true”]
I don’t see why elements have to be divided between g1 and 2. Fire is the same in both cases.

I agree with this.

Anyway, I hope your report does well!