Official "Island of Lost Masks" Book Discussion Topic [SPOILERS]

the next book is the graphic novel ‘‘gathering of the toa’’ right ?

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I assume the graphic novel will tell the same exact part of the story. I meant the second full book, “revenge of the skull spiders”


Speaking of this book, I wonder what’s gonna happen in it? Is LOSS gonna return while the Toa are still in the ancient city and come back for revenge?


I think Protectors will strike him to get the GMoSS’s while Toa are in the ancient city like in LoSS’s comic which is on it’s box.

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I would like that. Ekimu starts telling them the story behind the skull villains and meanwhile LoSS has amassed him army and they attack the toa in the city. Then the toa flee the city and have to return to their respective areas to help fend off more skull spiders. Who knows, either way I bet it will be good.


Maybe LoSS could get his on the MoCr,who knows so many promotional media shows him trying to gett it or using it

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Maybe it will end up like Adventures #4 and #9. Retelling previous events and then adding something new.


The worst thing is while I was reading the book I always read the dialogues of Gali with the male voice of the voice actor inside my head :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I would hope that in RoSS (best acronym, ever, BTW) we’d get the backstory of the Skull Spiders/Creatures. I predict RoSS will likely be a side-story that takes place post-2015 and pre-2016 in order to flesh out things some more, so I’m pretty hyped for that.



I am curious to what role will the GMoSS’s will play ?

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RoSS LOLOL that’s actually great

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Maybe he’ll do that, but add some new pieces since maybe some of the shards got lost?


I’ll be honest, at this point I’m not hopeful that it will play any role at all unless it’s in RoSS.



Maybe just maybe we can see it on the 2nd graphic novel,but that would probaply be preparation for the 2016’s story

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I just got the book, and I just wanted to say that it was placed in the section of the bookstore for all the 5-7 year-olds’ books.



Indeed I am.

But as soon as school starts, RIP legomaster’s activity levels. :stuck_out_tongue:


Okay, so I noticed a few things:

1: things are similar to the animations, but not exactly the same. For example, there is no hint of the floating rocks near the shrine of Earth
2: there is more than one elder per village @Mesonak.
3: Onua asks Korgot about the whole father-to-son thing. Onua is basically every LEGO fan at that point. I think he sums up ten minutes of a TTV Episode.
4: no backstory for the Skull Villains, but they did a better intro for the Skull Warriors than the animations. Speaking of, the Skull Warriors are never named
5: Pohato is not a typo, seeing as Nilkuu corrects him.
6: Pohatu encountered Skull Scorpios in the desert.
7: it did feel a little rushed, with not much character development.
8: Kopaka is the best fighter among them.

9: there seems to be a focus on Pohatu and Nilkuu.

10: Bingzak is called Nilkuu at one point, and Lewa is called Kopaka.

11: Kivoda is literally quoting the Legend. And this, I hate

oh yeah, forgot.


#Lewa has air power.


No, no there is not more than one Protector per village. This is false. If you think “elders” refers to other protectors of the same element, you are gravely mistaken. Most of the protectors are by very nature skilled warriors in their prime rather than old men and women like the Turaga were. This is proven by the mere fact that villages HAVE elders at all. Do you realize just how short-lived the mantle of protector would be if it was exclusive to elders? You’d be getting a new protector in every few decades!

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No,they have ‘‘elders’’ too,for Onua said that he talked to them too in the book while they were in a cave searching for his golden mask with Korgot I believe so. @Tarvaxx

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Heads up, guys.
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