Okotan Adventures: Spider Saga

"Surely my Children aren’t the only ones with a sense of humor. Besides, to ask me this would be to ask why do artisans create statues? Why do architects design buildings? Why does Ekimu forge Masks? No, I gave them this gift for the sole reason that I could. In turn, they revere me as their creator. "


“That is hardly a realistic comparison.” Morrus scoffed. “Masks and buildings serve a purpose for the common man of identity and protection, statues to honor or to express artistic intent. But you destroy the natural laws in place; the ones I harbor and uphold, in order to make willing subjects for your kingdom.”

“Okoto chose me; I didn’t force them to the understanding necessary to comprehend me.” Risa please hurry up this’ll come to blows before long I think

EDIT: I just. Eljay. Please. This is cruel.

“They are as free to leave as you are. They choose to serve me. Though you are correct in one regard, I am responsible for any actions that they may partake in.”

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Morrus glared at the Beast King. The message wasn’t getting through.

“Well I apologize for insulting your artistic expression.” He shrugged. “I’m just horrified by the slanting of the natural order and the flippancy you display at not only violating the rules I defend but destroying the concept of Okotan v Animal rights. What is society supposed to think of these poor beasts now that they can walk upright and discuss moral and sociological topics? Will they advocate for equal rights for all their unelevated brethren? You’ve created not just a violation of nature and blatant disregard for my domain, but a serious societal dilemma for the rest of Okoto, and as you so rightly stated you are wholly responsible.”

“Ignoring the horrendous slight towards myself, you have all of Okoto to give an answer to.” Morrus released the pressure from the vines around his ribcage which he had done to calm himself down. It seemed the Beast King preferred high-brow discussion; maybe this would help.

EDIT: Maybe it isn’t Eljay? Was I wrong this whole time? Is it a vengeful member of the Mod Squad, or perhaps Kini or Var wishing to dethrone me? I can’t sleep at night I’m terrified

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“I’d prefer to think that these Beast Men have a general distinction between what they were, and what they are now. Besides, you speak of these unshakable, universal laws of nature, as well as your purpose of defending them. Perhaps you can explain to me which section of this law code that I’ve violated. Perhaps you have a parchment detailing which laws I’ve bent or broken, perhaps a stone slab with them engraved upon them. What claim to the law do you have besides your power? You act as though I’ve egregiously spat in the face of this law. Perhaps I have, or perhaps there needs to be a new law.”

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OOC: If I type first maybe the quote will stay


“If there needs to be new law we, distant from the world as we - or perhaps just you - may be, are far too mortal to write it. If you question the unwritten laws for the natural world which every tree and every valley runs by without conscious thought, I thoroughly question your monarchy and the power which you wield.”

“My claim was forged by other hands greater than my own.” He slightly lifted his palms to illustrate without really recognizing that he was lifting them. “Ekimu entrusted it to another, and that other entrusted it to me, not solely for the protection of Okoto’s people but also for Okoto itself. Or would you be so quick to question Ekimu’s word as well as my own? It is not your region in which you hold power, and it is not your laws you break, much less any laws penned by Okotan hand with the expectation that the universe would bow to its whim.”

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“You’ve done nothing but question my monarchy, and I respect that. It takes questions for there to be change. Questions are the sole impetus for growth, for advancement. Imagine the world if none pondered ridding the noble Gukko? Or what if We tried channeling the. elements through masks? It’s naïvety to believe that such concepts existed for all time, and yet those acts remain doctrine, the intended outcome of nature? I ask what if beast were to become man, and I fail to see how Okoto isn’t the better for it. My children are keen, hardworking, and good of character. Our civilisation exists, and thrives on its own merit. Perhaps you are not afraid of breaking the laws of nature, but of changes to it. Nature is many things, but static is never one of them. Perhaps in this day and age isn’t the nature that you experienced in your youth. As for Ekimu? I have nothing but respect for him and his deeds, but is he not still a man? I fail to see how deifying him and his actions will cause anything but harm. He is mortal, fallible, and he will let you down.” retorted the King.

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“Yes, those were questions asked, but they don’t-”

“The forming of a civiliza-”

“How dare you make the presum-”

Morrus was left for a second or two with his mouth agape, whispers of incomplete words flowing out of it as his rustic mind was left scrambling for sentences. The Beast King was winning.

That had to change. There were a couple contradictions, but they were hardly worth following up, and the broader points had to be addressed or it’d appear obvious that he was grasping at straws.

“I resent your assumptions as to my intent.” Morrus snarled, working the layers of leaves to vividly display his emotions. “Your examples of contradicting the status quo have never altered it. Crystals exist as a tool, a rock; they are forged into a new shape but remain the same. The Gukko still flies in spite of passengers, but does not change in size or lose its ability to reproduce and craft nests.”

“You are different, Beast King. No invention of Okotan or natural process could do what you have done, to remove the predator from its role and turn it into a man.” Morrus had to forcibly lower himself because he was craning his neck up so high he risked running into the ceiling. “The balance of overpopulation previously established is toppled. Or am I to believe you freely let your pets hunt at the gruesome rate at which they did? Or do you empower them to be more efficient, and tip the scales the other way? Who are you to pick and choose what deserves your blessing of moral responsibility and what doesn’t? Who are you to destroy my kingdom?” His eyes flared brightly as he bored them through the Beast King’s throne, his neck stuck out in a proud display as his feathers snapped diagonally outwards from all across his body, flayed back to give him the appearance of a very foul bird protecting its nest.

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The King sighed, sinking back into his chair,“It’s clear that there’s no arguing with you about this. At this rate, we’ll be going at it until the Toa return. You want to believe that I create monsters for my own amusement? Fine. You want to believe that I’m secretly plotting against Ekimu. Fine. You think I’m holding some great secret below us? Go look for yourself. I’ll wait.”

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Morrus kept the stupid smug grin on his face that he formed as soon as he heard the sigh until the Beast King mentioned the ‘great secret’ and he was reminded about the vine being tragically severed. His eyes questioned the situation until he disappointingly remembered the writing.

“Since you’re just so hospitable I think I will.” He turned to go, sweeping over the writing with his great coat, stopping, then turning back to brush over it again. “And be happy I didn’t bring up your interior design skills.” He brushed over it one more time on his exit, hoping it had been enough.

Now where the heck did she go…

“Yeah yeah, be off with you.” grumbled the king, “And take your vines with you, hate for someone to trip.”

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Morrus stopped, began to look back, and then continued leaving, severing his vines in about the middle to leave the remainder buried. When I get down there it’d help to see where I ended up, if I was successful, what the heck it was that bit me…

As soon as he was out of sight of the door he looked for an entrance below the throne room, hopefully one wide enough for his… Current size, otherwise he’d have to trim himself down and he’d hate for someone to trip.

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The rooms of the tree seemed large and spacious, presumably intended for its original inhabitants to zip around unimpeded, but fortunately large enough to house his form. For now at least.

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@Traykar While the other two finish their conversation, Risa looks around for a way to go “below”.

“Alright, some kebabs coming right up!” The vendor turns away, turning back and offering a pair of kebabs to the young traveller.

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There would be a variety of way down, from stairs, to scaling the tree, to falling with style.

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Risa opts for the simple way down, finding the nearest staircase and heading down. She keeps an eye out, looking for anything that she thinks would’ve gotten Morrus’s attention.

Some of his vines were still poking out of the wall, though it mostly seemed like a bunch of store rooms, living areas, and empty spaces.

She follows the vines where she can see them, going farther down the three and looking for something interesting.

She’d eventual come across two Wolfen standing in front of a door, holding garden implements as makeshift weapons.

Risa considers them for a moment, then shrugs. She approaches the two, seeming casual, like she’s going for a stroll on the beach.

“Nice day, isn’t it?” she says.