Henan was hot. It was humid,far from the arid temperatures he was used to.
And the bugs… Henan was half tempted to grab Kataus flame sword and used it to grill the legions of bugs who would buzz by ever so often. However,his carving,was done. A simple carving, nothing too special.“Here.” Henan hands Ilya ( @Winger ) the miniature. “Take it as an apology.” If Illya looks at the bottom it says: You may have the makings of a leader.
“Oh, y’know, the guard.” The guard huffed. “Just some nameless, friendless Okotan who got stuck doing this instead of living it up on the one day I would’ve gotten to relax and enjoy myself.”
“Well, not many from the City of Mask Makers.” The guard shrugged, nestling himself in his blanket. “I suspect many of the Okotans there are too scared of the Hunters, even though they never do anything. They need to travel in large groups in order to feel safe, or whatever. Clearly your bunch isn’t comprised of cowards.”
The guard gave him a weird look.
“Never been here, okay.” He murmured. “Look, just follow the big dirt path and then take a left, also on the big dirt path. Just follow your lady friend there and you’ll find the way.”
“Now if you’ll excuse me.” The guard turned away and collapsed in a pile, somehow withstanding the heat under that large, crude blanket.
(@Winger @GoodGuy2006 @N01InParticular @Rukah @MakutaOisli @TheMOCingbird)
Huh, Hunters not hunting? Strange…
Cheshie was about to voice her thanks, but figured the guard, if you could even call someone who just sleeps on their watch a guard, would rather just be left alone.
“Well, guess we just follow the trail.” Cheshie said with a shrug before turning and continuing down the dirt path.
Henan walked up to the front,and upon hearing this,said: “Well that’s a relief. I think.”
Ilya scowled. Something was very wrong here. He didn’t quite know what it was. He wanted to say something, to give the guard orders, to warn him that they’d seen at least one Hunter just this past night, to do something.
Instead he just followed Cheshie, checking again to see that the entire party was still together.
“That isn’t right.” Ilya’s mouth was pulled into a grim line. “They’re complacent. He’s useless where he is. Makut- The Mask Makers would never stand for this.” You don’t think. You don’t know youdon’tknow shut up shhhut up shut up please shut up-
Once they were out of earshot of the guard, Ilya stopped. “I guess now is as good a time as any to explain the plan for when we get to the city.”
“That doesn’t bode well.” Palios said as he returned his blade to his sheath now that he no longer needed it to help clear a path. “Maybe…No that’s stupid.” He continued forward but remained aware of any possible. The Hunters were crafty, once he swore one had memorized his caravan route and would routinely raid their supplies while they slept it had taken weeks for him and his father to revise a new route that took that section of the Jungle into account.
Tussul had backpedaled to keep an eye on the rest of the party, but seeing Ilya stop and explain his intentions caused him to hurry over and stand at a respectable distance, waiting for Ilya to begin.
(@Winger @GoodGuy2006 @N01InParticular @Rukah @MakutaOisli @TheMOCingbird)
“Well, if it makes you feel better, part of our job will be fixing that. Picking new elders who’ll make sure guards actually guard.” Cheshie replied, a dry humor to her voice.
Cheshie stood a little behind Ilya, arms folded behind her back, ready to hear the plan.
It was shocking how much someone could miss when admiring the surroundings. Throughout the entire conversation, arguemet, and everything else, Jaawu was following behind, not paying a lick of attention to it. He didn’t see many of those where he came from. It was only once he believed he had seen enough trees that he actually started to pay attention again.
“Lay it on us, chief.”
“Well,we need to find the elder right? So,we do that,then head to the next place. Lets make it quick,I hate this scummy jungle.”
Henan was tempted just to try and scrape off all the mud on his feet,it was disgusting.He’d rather be trapped in a sand dune than this.
“Doesn’t seem like a very good guard.” Katau muttered as the group went on towards the city.
“Sounds good to me.” was all Katau replied with. To be honest, the blacksmith was getting a bit tired of the jungle, even though he was used to hot environments. He figured that once they got to the city and made a plan, things would improve.
Ilya’s heart was starting to speed up, and he was finding it difficult not to do everything but meet anyone’s eyes. He was suddenly struggling to find anything to say, and his eyes widened briefly at the thought of it - what if he just stood there, opening and closing his mouth but saying nothing? He’d be a laughingstock, if he wasn’t already.
Ilya frowned disapprovingly at Henan. “Which is so obviously an easy task, according to your clear wisdom and far-sightedness on the matter.” He turned away without giving the Stone Okotan another word.
Ilya breathed in, deeply.
You don’t know what are you doing stop stop stop take the easy route out you’re pinned on a card you can’t do this but you don’t have any other way out-
“There is a festival going on in the Jungle capital. This plays perfectly into what we need, which is information. Unlike some of you seem to have assumed,” He shot a down-the-nose glance at Henan, “We will not be revealing our mission outright to anyone in the city. At least not yet. If something or someone is causing the disappearance of the Elders, or maybe even Ekimu, then we don’t want it or them to find out that we’re investigating.” He paused then, to stare momentarily into each party member’s eyes.
“I mean it. Do not reveal anything about our real mission. There will be- consequences for- disobeying … this order.” Ilya floundered as his plan led further into orders then he intended. He cleared his throat. It didn’t help, as always. “When we get into the city, split up. Don’t ever be alone, though.” Possibilities clicked through his mind. Do the smart thing. Assign pairs, don’t let people who are already hostile to you commiserate. But that would be too obvious, his motive too transparent. And it would be seen for what it was: fear. And he didn’t want that.
“We need information. Try to find out what’s going on in the city, who’s been in charge since the Elders’ disappearance. Meet back in the city center before dark. I’ll find a place for us to stay and eat, but if anyone offers room and board for a favor, don’t turn them down immediately. And stay on guard. The Jungle Capital seems to be complacent, right now, which means that they’re vulnerable. And given what the Makuta … did … this could be a target for a raid.” Ilya took a breath. Is that all? I think that’s all. Don’t ask anyone to come with you, but don’t keep anyone from it. Seem independent but not standoffish. Like a leader … does? Nothing else to say, right?
“We’ll discuss … the other things after we regroup. And … and take some time to enjoy the festival, as well. Relax, I guess. It’s been a long night.”
Ilya was shocked with himself.
Tussul was clearly getting mixed signals from Ilya’s speech, his face clearly betraying his emotions. However, his initial words to Ilya seemed to overpower any other reaction, and he gave a weak salute.
“You got it, Sir.”
Glancing at the others, Tussul started down the road once more.
(@Winger @GoodGuy2006 @N01InParticular @Rukah @MakutaOisli @TheMOCingbird)
Cheshie listened as Ilya spoke, scanning his face with an almost apprising attentiveness.
An appreciative smile cracked across Cheshie’s face at Ilya’s final comment.
“Alright, sounds good.”
Long night, you can say that again. Though, something told her that from here on out, they may just keep getting longer.
“About splitting up, maybe we go in pairs? Pick a partner and stick with them. Then we could coordinate as to which pairs cover which areas of the city.” Cheshie suggested, taking a step closer to the rest of the group from behind Ilya. (@Winger )
OOC: Sorry if the bit about Cheshie suggesting pairing up comes off as a little meta-gamey, but I really think that’s what she would suggest, regardless of whether Ilya was thinking it or not.
Jaawu didn’t say anything, but nodded in response to most of the statements.
“I’ll go with anyone.” Henan said monotonously.
Yeah, but will anyone go with you? Cheshie thought, practically having to bite her tongue to keep from blurting out the retort.
Henan seeing Cheshies expression,sighs.Great job Henan. Its not like you just became the outcast of outcasts. “I’ll just go by myself. It seems like the only thing i’m good for anyway.”
Ilya frowned for a moment to himself. That was what he had meant to say, but he supposed he’d forgotten to mention it.
“No, definitely go in pairs. We don’t- we can’t have anyone getting split up or lost. Especially if you’re in any less populous or reputable parts of the city.” He considered going back on his plan and assigning groups. But no. He wasn’t going to do all the work for them, and maybe there wouldn’t be so many ramifications if everyone else was as indecisive as Henan - Ilya had thought they’d all been united against a common enemy.
Which was him, to clarify.
Or maybe they still are indecision doesn’t mean anything it just- no- no you’ll still be deposed by tonight stop trying to take control you’re just obnoxious no one’s going to take you seriously-
“Well. I’m going. Again, find the most central part of the city and meet there before dark.”
He glanced at everyone in the group, hoping no one would follow him, and also hoping someone would. He turned and began to continue down the path towards the city.
Cheshie watched Ilya start off alone. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but stopped. Sure, he had just said ‘don’t go alone,’ and then proceeded to walk off alone, but he had to have his reasons, right?
He probably just wants some alone time.
With a sigh, Cheshie turned toward the rest of the group (@N01InParticular @MakutaOisli @GoodGuy2006 @Rukah).
“Well, I’m planning on checking out the city guard quarters, then maybe drop by a few taverns or the festival in general to see what information I can pick up.” Cheshie said, attempting to put on a casual tone.
“Anyone can come with, by the way.” She added, sounding a little more awkward than she would have liked, before starting toward the city.