Okoto Online Game: Rahi Concepts


Hi @Tak210. Are you going to also make different versions of the other Skull Spiders like the ones with the ability to swim, the ones that have a scorpion tail and the one with nightvision, or are you just going to make alternate colored version of the same model?

When we do pokoto I will have some Scorpio models.

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well, can’t wait to see how the Lord of Skull Spiders would look like.

fire lizard


Not as good as the other ones but…


Jungle Bird (generic name, I know). A small, peaceful rahi that lives in the jungle region. (the red axle is it’s eyes)



I really like this and if you were planning on making more rahi just tell me or @Deo4508 and we will invite you to the pm for rahi concepts

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I already put this in a PM, but here’s the mountable Ussak!


@Vicroen you can add him to the PM but also add kanohippy (unless hes already there). i really like kanohippys red creature

@kanohippy can you give a brief explanation of the deteriorating villager? i really like the creature, and im curious to hear what the villager is or used to be.

That MOC can be used for the fire region, at a place near the border between the graveyard and ta-koto. it could be alone all over the fire region and accompanied by this dead (i think) villager at places near the graveyard.

He is(or was) a quite young villager who got attacked by a skull spider. When he got infected , all of LOSS and SG plans went through his mind, then a fire lizard knocked the spider of as they don’t like shadow creatures.
Due to the fact that the villager didn’t have the mental capacity to handle the vision, he is mentally scarred and very weak.
(And I’m not in the rahi pm)

I have one Try it on for size.

The gem tiger. enjoy


Its interesting, i like it a lot, the only thing that concerns me is the color scheme, it seems a bit everywhere. the only reason that is a problem is cuz im not sure which region this should go in. it could be jungle cuz it has a lot of green, but its a gem tiger, so it would be found in the underground, not in the jungle. im not sure if we decided if the rahi’s colours have to be specific for each region, but maybe replace the blue with green and call it the emerald tiger? it is a very cool moc, dont get me wrong, the colours seem all over the place tho, or maybe thats just me…ill be posting some MOCs soon that ive been working on.

I’ll be honest, I thought it was a lizard.

but it is a very decent lizard, bar the slightly odd face.

it needs ears, and a thicker body, and the gold feels odd for a crystal creature.

These are all very cool concepts! Too bad I haven’t bought any of the 2015 sets yet, otherwise I’d make a concept here. I might submit a more Gen 1 style Rahi concept if that’s okay with you, @tak210. It’s simple, but not exactly small…

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@pizzacheetah yes its perfectly fine, as long as it isnt a jumbled mess. im going to make some gen 1 styled rahi as well once im out of ideas of CCBS rahi

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OOG is a thing?! AWESOME

@Whovian41110 yes it is. do you have the supplies to moc rahi? the help is needed

I know it doesn’t have “oog” or ccbs new parts, but it’s my little rahi and my very first moc

There is it from another angle

(the legs are connected by a 3 long x thing to the bohrok foot)


How did I never post this here!

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Nice try though.

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