Ōkyū Eihei the Noble Guard

A musketeer build for the sake of building a musketeer.


The usage of system in the clothing looks pretty cool
I think the head is a bit too small


The musket itself is a little wide, but the saber and musketeer look are executed well.

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What a fine gentlemen.

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I expect to see it on the MOC spotlight.


Is the gold belt even attached to the rest of the moc?..

Prettu great stuff tho, face is weird but what can you do?

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The head is pretty small but otherwise I likee.

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The torso is amazing! The only thing I’m not a fan of is the head…

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Thanks Everyone :smiley:

Yeah I agree, I don’t have a lot of experience building gun like weapons so I focused more on making it look good than making it proportionally accurate.

It is, it consist only of 3 exo-force arms, attached to the back with a exo-force hand. [quote=“Saxton, post:7, topic:36981”]
The head is pretty small

Guess I have to Improve on building heads :slight_smile:

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