Old thread, better left dead

[purged for reasons better left unsaid]

Sorry, sir, until you have pictures up I’ll need to close the topic. Contact me via PM when they are up.

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So these don’t actually transform?

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you are right

These Are Not Transformers Then

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I was about to comment on how clean the alt-mode looked but that’s because it’s only a model

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Except for the wheels/wings/whatever these don’t look like transformers at all. Where’s the cockpits or windshields? Where’s the smooth plating? Havoc looks the best but none of the really have the smooth detail or kibble to look like a transformers model. Also even if they can’t transform I’d at least make flip out cannons or something so they look less “bionicley”.

I’d complain they can’t transform but I will admit gen 1 bio formers are difficult to make. My only bio formers are my modded Drscorpionx skulls and just 2 gen 1s. I’d reccomend if you want to the the gen 1 look to make them beast as they don’t have to be smooth.

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