Onua and the Fire Scorpions

Here’s my take on an animation Templar intended to include in mnog, but didn’t have the time to finish. Its about Onua!

(psst mods if you see this can you do me a solid and update my name? its just “Peri” now)


As I said on Twitter, this is outstanding. As with your other works, it captures the MNOG essence and atmosphere to a T. Heck, I even love this being a shorter one, as it’s a fun slice into the world. Simply excellent.

And the name has been taken care of.


I always love seeing these, although only now do I know who they come from

What was your original name, again?

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thanks for the name update! glad you like the animation!!


You are incredibly talented.

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Most impressive!

I love your work!

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Once again, your work continues to be absolutely amazing. Very well done. Can’t wait to see what you do next.