Onua's Rage

You wanted to have Onua’s family die, no?

“Raze the village, Tahu. Kill the Villagers.”
Onua was the first to smell the smoke. Kopaka was the first to see it. The two Toa promptly sprung to action; sprinting through the dense bushes at an unimaginable pace, they arrived at Horopu within minutes of first sight of smoke. The two Toa burst into the clearing and despaired: the air was filled with a dense grey smoke, and the winds carried the wails of the dying. Tohunga frantically rushed past the Toa in all directions, calling to loved ones, searching for valuable possessions, or simply attempting to flee. Large, ancient structures crumbled and collapsed, and the massive, grand trees of the forest were lit ablaze. The crackling sound of fire emanated from all directions, and its heat was frankly devastating.
“What’s going on?” Onua bellowed in Kopaka’s direction. “Why have the Mangaiians attacked us?” He was, for once in his life, maniacal. Kopaka wasn’t paying attention to Onua, though- he had set to work, counteracting the inferno with his ice powers. Onua turned away, charging through fire, wood, and metal in a single-minded, determined effort to reach his former home. Perhaps he burned, scarred, or impaled himself in these precious few moments- he didn’t notice. There was only one thing that mattered to him now.
Onua’s massive hands grasped the wooden door and ripped it from its hinges with ease, and his even more gargantuan frame cracked the wood as he passed through the doorframe. The smoke was so dense, he could no longer see, much less breathe. He felt his way through the first floor of the burning home, before approaching the stairs. The intense heat weakened the wood to the point it could no longer support him, but he waded his way through the collapsing staircase and burning wood before grabbing hold of the edge of the second floor. He vaulted himself upward with great effort, and continued searching without pause. Finally, on the verge of passing out, Onua found what he was looking for. In the farthest room from the stairs, three bodies huddled close together; clinging desperately to life, clawing at the smouldering walls as the room burned around them. Onua’s eyes met those of his oldest daughter, and he moved forward, determined to break through the wall with his beloved family in his arms- but too late. The roof collapsed, and burning debris tumbled onto the screaming victims. Onua let out a shrill howl, just as his massive weight strained the floor beyond its breaking point- and he tumbled down, along with his wife and children, onto the burning, smoke-filled room beneath them.
Onua burst through the wall, his two daughters in tow. He rolled away from the house as the entire thing explosively collapsed, and looked at the two Tohunga in his arms. Unrecognizable. The corpses hung limply in his grasp, all signs of life extinguished by the fire. Kneeling, Onua placed his head in his hands and fought back the urge to scream, stand, and brutally murder the perpetrators. Well, he tried. Onua’s pained howl could be heard for miles around, and everyone, even Kopaka, cowered in freight. Onua clambered to his feet, seething. He would make the Mangaiians pay…


I feel this post perfectly reflects Onua’s rage. Not the best artwork, but still.

Hmm, yes, that concept would probably follow an event such as this… very cool. What did you think of the post?

This is something I’ve wanted to see from the TTV for a while. I really hope they make this canon.

:scream: this is amazing

@Bokarda @spiderstan Thank you guys! :slight_smile:

Absolutely love it, Onua really reminds me of Winston from overwatch if you know the character. I can really see Kopaka being able to comfort him because he also lost a loved one to Tahu. And Im realizing that Tahu does really likes killing peoples families. Although I thought they said that Kopaka was the one to kill Onua’s family. Great work.

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You mean this? It says it’s a .png file, so maybe there’s something wrong with it?

Thanks, it worked. :slight_smile: