Origins political systems Artakha (G3 Pitch)

Firstly, I want to excuse myself for being a hypocrit. In a previous post (G3 constructive criticism) I stated that I did not want much politics in a Bionicle story. However I was soon informed that this is mostly for the story bible. I think the ideas in this pitch can be used for a “Bionicle G3 encyclopedia” to give further information, rather than essential information. I think political systems can be featured outside the main story for the people and maybe even children interested.
I still made this because I love thinking/talking about politics, history, geography, etc. I could not sit aside and had a need to discuss the politics of Artakha. For me it is interesting why a country/state has a certain political system and I wanted to do this for each region. I have a mild grasp on the ideas for each region, but I am not 100% up to date, so please inform me if their are different ideas in other pitches/podcasts. Furthermore, I will give small (historical) real life examples, however I am not knowledgable on everything included, so feel free to correct me. As well, the historical context given is very general. If you want to know more, do your own research, as history is not as simple as it seems. Now onto the “Pitch”:

Mangai (militaristic city states): So Mangai is divided between multiple city states, all with a militaristic form of government. This could be, due to the region they live in. In vulcanic areas, fertile ground and unfertile ground are both found. Resent eruptions make the ground nearly impossible to use for agriculture, but wait a few years and it is highly fertile. This is the story is Mangai, where vulcanoes are often active. The few pieces of fertile lands are contested amongst the city states. They often fight amongst each other for fertile land and that is why the army is so important. They are like ancient Greece. Greece itself is not very fertile and was also divided amongst city states. However when faced against a greater threath (Persia for the Greeks, Ihu for the Mangaians) they will work together, as they still share a similar culture.

Naho (Matriarchical society):They live near water and wate is both a gift and a curse. It gives them the option of trade and life (we all need water), but the sea can also drown them. So they want to please the elemental godess of water, Akida. Obviously a godess is female. They think that is the priests are female (thus priestresses), the godess can understand them better. As the priestresses are held in very high regard, because they make sure the sea does not drown them, women are often put in positions of power. They are so used to seeing women in power, it has made them a matriarchal society.

Matori (Nomads): Desert equals nomads. For those who don’t know why, a quick explaination. Nomands often carry livestock with them. They go from oasis, to oasis to survive. These tribes often have different ideas/religions, as they do not often come together (however not to different from each other). They do come together in cities, especially tribes who trade. This was seen Arabia, however the culture became more alike after the introduction of Islam. The Matorians do not have a common religion/belief. They are different tribes who go around the desert as caravans and trade with other regions/tribes. The main trading hub is "Po-Koro’’ (temporary name), with a large kolhii field. Different tribes play amongst each other to gain popularity. The tribes with the best teams often get more and better trade options. Kolhii is thus used for self promotion. ( I see Matori as the least united region, where the tribes would rather fight amongst each other, than fight other regions, unlike the Mangaians)

Tiro (Nothing yet): So I had to think of something myself and I taught of a feudal system light or something alike. It came down to: The region is very fertile and most Tiroans are self sufficient farmers. They live in villages who own one big farm. The main Farmer is the chief of the town. His “helpers” (don’t know the proper English word) also live in this village. Their are a few cities, however not to many. They are self-sufficient, because they are far removed from the other tribes. The only inland route is through the mountains of Ihu. They don’t have anything to offer the Nahoans (these can reach them with boats), as both would probably trade food (sea food versus other agricultural products). The self sustaining nature is probably the way to go. This was the same in the beginning of the medieval period, when there was little trade. I think the term for this is autarky, not sure though.

Kauae (nothing yet): I have no clue what I can do with them to be honest, please help me :slight_smile:

Ihu (Kingdom): Why do they have a kingdom? I can’t even fathom why people would live so high in the cold mountains. Only is the snow melts in the summer and they go down in the valleys with livestock. But only a small society can exist with so little food. They have nothing to trade with other tribes for food, unless they mine metals in the mountian tops. That is the only thing. Returning to the question at hand, I have no clue. Kingdom are weird, because unless you have a big loyal army or have high quality of life, being a king is very difficult. I can’t see the ihuans have large standing army and a happy popualtion. So for this one we need a bit of fairy dust to make it work. It is after all just a kids story taken to serious by a bunch of (young) adults.


Naho could be a matriarchal kritarchy (government rule by court of female judges), which would fit with their theme as arbiters.

Tiro could be similar to a feudal system on the outskirts of the larger cities, with the larger cities and capital acting similar to holy temples and having a theocratic-like government (this time with high priests acting as the leaders to create ethical policies).

Kanae could be similar to Tiro when it comes to temples acting as political powers, but the region could mainly be more capitalistic (giving people the freedom to grow in their business with limited or no intervention from the government, unless violating Matoran rights). This could be why people hate Vizuna and Iruini so much due to their origins as thieves.

I like your idea for Kanae. It fits the free nature of air. Maybe a capitalist society, with an elected council as government?

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