death of the author has a whole new meaning now
I like when Bioman cooks his best dishes for the parties
one might say you can follow him for more recipes
Not since the stinkin’ Lorax
Don’t worry, I ate him.
René Descartes when he thinks
Does Lorax taste better than drywall.
This is somehow the second mention of René Descartes in the last 24 hours that involves me in some way
What does this mean
Well it turns out the Lorax is some kind of Mongoose, and Mongoose meat makes excellent burgers.
Atobri crossing the street be like:
He had already been clipped by the first
Nota how could you say this
I always stand by all the statements I make
I only survived because I managed to manifest myself as a brick for a split second
apparently Winger hates my rp characters
The State has determined the existence of Matoran to be a threat to national security and will continue its efforts to prevent further casualties by providing additional Rakhshi to support local authorities. Do not hesitate to contact local law enforcement [static].
Well I guess I know how I can reach Nota now
Her appetite knows no bounds