
Too bad I’m terrible as him, I’m a Reinhardt offense player (as stated previously). You’d be surprised how quickly a good Mei can kill a Winston though, especially since he has to get close, and she can freeze him before he kills her in most cases.


Well when you are freezing, you could jump away, put down a shield so she can’t icicle-shot you, wait for her to get near, damage here, and repeat 2-3 times.

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Yeah, I have a feeling in writing that you know how much of a hassle that is, nevermind how that would work in a team setting. People don’t seem to get that the tank is the one who makes tactical calls, since almost every engagement is started by them (I’d like to see a Pharah initiate an engagement and survive, considering half the time she can’t even survive her ult). That’s why it’s important to listen to your tank if they say “this hero needs to die.” In most situations, a Reinhardt should never have to flank to deal with an annoying target, because the damage dealers on your team should be able to do that. When your team understands what their job is, a Reinhardt can literally just sit on the objective with his shield up the whole match, only venturing down to ult or throw a fiteblast.

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Well, except Roadhog.

Roadhog is still important in initiating fights. The difference is he can kill most of the characters that are annoying.

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Unfortunately, I seem to have neglected Overwatch for Warframe, probably because my end motivation was for cosmetics than actually enjoying the gameplay.

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I’ve been playing more Warframe than OverWatch recently as well, but honestly I still love OverWatch, and it’s the gameplay that drives me. I know eventually I’ll hit a dry spell with Warframe too, I call it gaming in phases, where you go through different games taking up all your time, but you always go back to the ones you love eventually.

Also, I totally understand the cosmetic argument coming from FashionFrame.

It is the reverse for me. Overwatch broke me out of my Warframe addiction (I was pretty burnt out from the game, though).


Genji, zenyatta ,solider 76, Reinhardt but overall my favorite is Mcree

Reinhardt, D.Va, Pig, Rocket Queen and Red Cross are my go-tos, but really, I’ll play anyone.

Except for Tracer and Reaper, those two annoy me so much, I have never played either of them.

Being a console pleb this honestly makes me smile…


I might be late to the party but.

Did anyone realized that one of Roadhog’s skins says ‘Toa’?


Not a Bionicle reference. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I know but still.

I thought it was worth to point out.

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be ready for Moana then :stuck_out_tongue:

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Did you mean Maori?

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He’s talking about the new Disney movie based in Hawaii. “Toa” is the Maori word for “warrior,” in Hawaiian it’s “Koa.”


I shall just leave this here


Oh come on. That has to be photoshoped. That can’t be real. :joy:

I think we can all say without a doubt that Sudden Death is horrible.

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