Paints for LEGO Pieces

I’ve found that metallic gold Sharpies are a pretty good match for flat dark gold.


I meant I wait until the contest ends, so his color will be metallic green, pearl gold, or remains flat dark gold. :slight_smile: But the flat gold sharpie will come handy for the mask, whether I use a normal faxon or a custom one, so thanks!

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If you do use Sharpie, be sure to cover it with clear varnish or something so it doesn’t get scratched off.


Does anyone know what paints to use for the toa hagah?


For Kualus I useda mixture of

For Gaaki I used

For Bomonga I used

And for Pouks I used

Hope this helps!


thank you!
(his toa hagah, for anyone wondering)


When you mix multiple paints, do you put all the paints(in the bottle) in?

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I get a separate container and pour a small amount of each paint until I get the desired color


Is it okay to ask you the ratio of each paint?

I’ve got a good suggestion for Mata Purple - Valiere by Montana

This is a more matte paint, so glossy sealant is needed. Here is a sample, compared to authentic purple parts (albeit with some scuffs):


Woah! Where did you get it from?

It’s on Amazon, Jackson’s, and Art Primo, among others.

As for what paint I’m curious about, I’m looking for both orange and old light gray-matching sprays.

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Thank you now I don’t have to spend a fortune and waste a bunch of time tracking down a bunch of little teal technic pieces for my lariska moc.


Does anyone know how to match the gunmetal grey on Makuta Teridax? Specifically the one with a greenish tint on his armor. I need it for Pouks.

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Ha. Spend hours mixing.

I mixed some gold in mine, as I noticed some golden flakes.

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That would probably look pretty cool, to have Teridax and his bodyguard with the same unique shade of gunmetal.

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I want to paint a bunch of colors (lime, dark turquoise, blue, gold, Hagah metallic parts, etc.) Should I buy a bunch of spray cans or should I go for an airbrush?

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will you use the airbrush for anything else?

Probably for nothing more than a bunch of BIONICLE parts. I might end up using it for some scale models if I end up buying, but it’s a big maybe.

spray cans then

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