Paladins, a Bootleg of Overwatch?

You do realize that Paladins was in a playable alpha state before OverWatch was ever announced, right? If anything, OverWatch stole from Paladins, which I doubt. I’d say it was more of a coincidence than anything. Besides, bringing up Fernando and comparing him to Reinhardt is absurd, because that’s about the only character in the game that has anything to do with a character in OverWatch. EVERY other kit in Paladins plays very differently from the characters in OverWatch. Name one other character in Paladins that rips off OverWatch, one that supposedly has the same kit. I’ll tell you right now, the only one that even lines up is Fernando, and he still plays differently from Rein. His shield is on a cooldown, you can’t spam it, his charge doesn’t pin, and is much shorter range, his ultimate grants immunity from death to himself and nearby allies, even if the inspiration might have been taken from OverWatch (which it wasn’t since it technically came first for all we know) it’s not the same. Nevermind the fact that almost every ability in OverWatch comes from Global Agenda, a shooter MMO that Hi-Rez made. Y’know, like how Project Titan was going to be an MMO shooter, but turned into OverWatch. It makes sense that they’d take inspiration from the other big MMO shooter of the time, right? Hi-Rez also made Paladins, and it feels and plays a lot like a mix of previous Hi-Rez games, incorporating several aspects of Tribes: Ascend (like the health system and the way it regenerates), SMITE, and Global Agenda. Let’s cut the lies and misinformation right now, semantically, the likelihood that Paladins actually copied OverWatch and produced it in the timespan of a single year is absurd, and once again, there’s playable alpha footage that shows abilities that OverWatch also has being used in Paladins before OverWatch was even a name consumers knew, so we know that they were making a similar game before OverWatch was ever announced. The similarities are hardly skin-deep, and are purely the result of the gaming media calling everything a copy these days.

I remember when I was defending OverWatch from the misconception that it was a ripped off TF2. This is exactly the same, and if you actually do your research, it’s painfully obvious.

Excuse me what?

His ultimate ability prevents himself and all nearby allies from dropping below 1500 health for 6 seconds. For reference, most damage characters have 2000 health, and slightly beefier characters have 3000 health. Fernando has 6000 health.

But you can’t deny the absolutely glaring similarities between most of the characters. Again, the big turtle man. His hook is so similar to roadhog’s that it’s not even funny. And yes, I know roadhog’s playstyle is based off of Pudge from DOTA. Key words: based off of.

Not only that, but I have heard that the Paladins beta used to be more of its own game before Overwatch was put into closed beta, and how after one update Hi-Rez completely changed it up (to resemble overwatch)

Also, Overwatch was revealed in late-ish 2014, while Paladins was put into beta around 2015, before it was entirely changed up.

Yes, because having a pull is so unique to OverWatch. You said it yourself, it’s based on pull abilities from MOBAs, like Pudge’s hook. That’s his only ability that compares to Roadhog. Having a single ability that’s like something from a different game is like saying that “clearly Halo 5 is the same game as Warframe, because if you aim in midair you slow down and hover.” That point is null, and does nothing to prove your point, if you even have one.

I’ll admit that it went through a lot of changes in the alpha to beta phase, but most, if not all, were visual. The kits and core gameplay mechanics of the characters have stayed almost exactly the same throughout its development, and let’s be honest, it doesn’t look that much like OverWatch visually. The only thing I can say that really looks like OverWatch is Barik’s beard looking a lot like Torbjorn’s, and the fact that they’re both short engineers with red armor. That’s pretty similar visually, even if they play nothing alike, and I’ll admit that Androxus’ ability where he quickly fires 3 shots from his revolver did change from holding it sideways to look a bit more like the way McCree fans the hammer, but functionally it didn’t change, the ability is what it is, and it has been what it is since his character was introduced.

The point is, they didn’t rip off the mechanics, and even if they did, would that honestly be the end of the world? I don’t want to steal TotalBiscuit’s thunder, so I won’t, but you should watch his video on Paladins to understand what I mean by “it wouldn’t be the end of the world if Paladins ripped off OverWatch anyway” (by the way, the facts show that they probly didn’t, and were simply both using concepts from Global Agenda, but believe whatever propaganda or misinformation you want to).

I’ll end this by saying that while Paladins is a different game with different mechanics, many of those mechanics are very similar to overwatch’s.

Calling it a bootleg, though, is just ridiculous.

I can’t agree that many of the mechanics are even so much as similar, and if you play Paladins and OverWatch it’s pretty immediately apparent. I would agree that they’re the same genre of game, the same way DotA2 and LoL are the same genre. Speaking of those two games, both were inspired by the same game, DotA. Do you see people calling DotA2 a LoL bootleg or LoL clone just because LoL came first? Or do people simply acknowledge that they were both based on a mod for WarCraft III called “Defense of the Ancients,” or DotA for short? Coincidences happen all the time in gaming, and almost every game in any given genre takes material, mechanics, and ideas from the most successful games in that genre. Paladins and OverWatch are no different, and I’m sick of people pretending that these two games are copies of each other simply because they’re the same genre. The argument is inane and absurd, and based purely on ignorance and misinformation. It’s a metaphor for how people treat issues in the real world, they believe anything from a single source and have their minds made up about what they believe before they even get the first facts. They don’t base their decisions on fact or research, they justify their preconceived notions with the facts that suit it, and ignore the whole picture. It needs to stop. It needs to stop with gaming, and it needs to stop with the real world.

hanzo and the chick with the bow have nearly the exact same animations. A lot of these things don’t feel like “coincidences”.

I’m leaving it at that. There’s no reason to continue this. I won’t change your opinion, and you won’t change mine.

Cassie’s animations are nothing like Hanzos. They’re, quite frankly, sloppier, and really don’t resemble Hanzo’s at all, unless you’re basing this purely on the fact that they both have bows and therefore have an animation where they pull back an arrow and shoot it. Don’t make blatant accusations, give some better examples that actually have founding to them. There are artistic similarities, I’ve already pointed out two of them. If you’re going to do the same, at least make it difficult for me to dispute.

I agree that we should end this discussion because neither of us will convince the other of anything, but the next time you want to argue a point, you should look into it a little first. It’s clear you’ve never played Paladins at all, and therefore you really can’t formulate a proper or informed opinion on it. In fact, I doubt you’ve even read the character kits. Try not to talk about things you obviously don’t have much knowledge of, it just creates unnecessary debate, and more importantly, spreads more misconceptions.