That is all for now, I hope you enjoyed them!
I may come back every once and a while to upload more photos, but that will only be once I take more photos.
I would like you hear your feedback and I appreciate constructive criticism- like I said, I am not a professional, so it is good to know what flaws I have in my photos.
Thank you!
And yes, they were all taken by just my 5th Gen IPod at sometimes back-breaking angles.
None of these photos were edited, other than the first picture where I put a slight filter on it to make it look a little better.
Well, the back camera for the iPhone 5 and the 5th Gen iPod is worse than the front facing camera. But my photos always have varying degrees of quality with my iPhone 5, even when facing forward. I’m not quite sure what the deal is with the 5S, though. I don’t own one myself.
Yes, I use a 5th gen iPod touch. Surprisingly the camera is really good on it, you just have to hold really still when taking the shots. Plus, I don’t even have a tripod, which would make some shots easier.
And I would like to add; I don’t think anybody is worthy of THE Kahi. @_@
I think what impresses me the most with all these pictures is the sense of scale. With all these, (especially the axe one) I don’t feel like these are toys, but full-sized bio-mechanical creatures.