Pieces not available in Stud.io

Recently, I have been working in a few mocs in Stud.io when I realized I was missing 3 important pieces that I’m unable to find anywhere which are the kanohi Zatth, Rode and the spiky shoulder armor from Knights’ Kingdom. Does anyone know where to get these parts for Stud.io?
I was planning to use these pieces for the Hagah contest, but if it starts before I find the 3D models, I will be forced to change a few things in my mocs. So I would appreciate any help regarding these particular pieces. If possible, before the contest starts.

54175 57534 download


Unfortunately, the creative team behind stud.io hasn’t taken it upon themselves to recreate anymore Bionicle parts, leaving a void in the amount of parts available with the vanilla version of the program. However, many 3D-modellers in the community have collaborated and with their combined efforts, released a decent amount of parts packs to install. (The Biopack being the most famous one.) Although I don’t believe any of these exact molds are done yet, they have provided their own versions of the Rode and the Zatth in different design styles. (Provided in the Biopack) I can’t confirm if the Knights Kingdom armor is there but it’s worth taking a look for the other pieces/alternatives you could get.


Zatth has an custom design in the KhingK Pack. The rode got one in the galva Pack and the KK armor doesnt exist yet


Kanohi Rode model can be found here:


The spiked Knights Kingdom pauldron can be found on TammyCalamity’s Bionicle Database of Studio Models. The directory should be 2005/Toa Hagah, unless I’m mistaken. You can either copy/paste the part between files as you need it, or you can DM me to get help extracting the part from the file. There is a way to get custom parts out of Stud.io files but I don’t want it overly publicized in case it’s patched.


The plated knights kingdom seems to be always be forgotten

Hopefully a 3D modler will show it some love soon preferably before the Tuyet contest, wink wink nudge nudge


Plated KK can also be found in the Database in the same file

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I should clarify that I’m referring to this pauldron from some of the later sets.


I forgot that the more common variant that Kualus utilizes is also technically plated. My bad


I see. I believe Zhokker might be making that one (and iirc he made the ones in the database as well)

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