Poaki's WIPstavaganza!

As I was home from college for the weekend, I hit a road block. I’m working on several builds, but having trouble fleshing any of them out, specifically in the waist and legs. So, while I have nothing fully built to share this weekend, I decided I’d post some of the projects that I’m working on.

Enjoy, and feel free to leave some suggestions or critiques!

1)The previously shown off Toa of Ice. His torso has been changed slightly to give a sleeker look, and the awkward waist section has been done away with. His arms have also been changed, but may no longer fit the aesthetic.

  1. A Toa of Plasma. This one I’m decently happy with, but can’t seem to work out anything for his legs. I’m also waiting on a couple more dragon heads to use as pauldrons.

  1. A Toa of Air. I’m generally happy with this one so far, but can’t seem to work anything out for the waist. I’m also waiting on a new mask and some black ball joints to arrive, and need to wash the print off of the green gauntlet, and get another one to replace the gunmetal.

  1. A villain who is in desperate need of a BrickLink order and some arms.

I realize that these aren’t much in comparison to my usual builds such as Poaki, but I’d love to get some feedback and suggestions on them.

Thanks for taking the time to check this out!


They look pretty good as a collective. Since they are WIPs I can’t really judge them. But they are good.

Yes, very CCBS levels of smooth from those technic pieces. Only complaint is the forearms, they look awkward.

Colorscheme doesn’t fit too well with a toa of plasma, but he’s colored well and great parts usage.

What happened here? Well, he might need a little more work but until then I’d suggest a neck.

Well he looks nice, thighs are awkward and that gahlok shield is kind of off putting.

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[quote=“SwagMeister, post:3, topic:15721, full:true”]
Yes, very CCBS levels of smooth from those technic pieces. Only complaint is the forearms, they look awkward.[/quote]

The forearms are a huge problem. They were designed before I switched over to the smooth aesthetic, and need to go. Same with the mask, but to a lesser extent.

[quote=“SwagMeister, post:3, topic:15721, full:true”]
Colorscheme doesn’t fit too well with a toa of plasma, but he’s colored well and great parts usage.[/quote]
I agree. The official color scheme is orange and white. I figured red would be close enough, but I figured wrong. The white will probably be replaced with black or dark gray, and he’ll be switched over to a Toa of Fire.

[quote=“SwagMeister, post:3, topic:15721, full:true”]
What happened here? Well, he might need a little more work but until then I’d suggest a neck.[/quote]
What happened here was a few wrongly colored parts thrown into the mix to test the build, as well as a mask from a garage sale. A new one is on the way. As for the neck, it’s since been raised by one and a half pin, and looks a lot better.

I’m hoping that the Gahlok shields will fit in more once I have two more to place on the insides of the legs. Trying to find something to fill in that thigh gap. :b

Thanks for your feedback!

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They all look pretty good…maybe just recycle some leg designs like I do! :smile:

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These look like they will come together nicely.

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I do also think that the Toa of Air needs a neck. Then again, it sounds like a lot of him is placeholder parts at the moment, so I’ll hold judgement until he’s finished or further along the line.

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Ha, that could work if I had any fitting designs built.

Thanks! I’m hoping they do.

He’s mostly placeholder right now, but I’m liking the build and designs. The head has been raised by one and a half pin, so the neck is the least of my worries regarding him now. :slight_smile:


Tanma! What happened? :stuck_out_tongue:


Ha, guess this one wasn’t quite ready for posting… The build is solid, but many of the parts need replacement. The lime gauntlet needs the print scrubbed off, and the gunmetal one needs to be replaced with another lime one. The mask is the biggest problem. The color and shape work well, but the only Tanma mask I have came from a garage sale lot, and had been colored on by a red sharpie.

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He eats kids.



In this form, it sure looks like it. :b


These look like they’re going pretty well!

Hey, these are cool. for the Toa of Ice, I think having legs like this:

would work nicely for his aesthetic.
for the Toa of Plasma, some Knight Kingdom II pieces would look nice. If not those, then maybe some Inika shoulder armor for the shins, or some Rahkshi heads if you could fit them in somewhere.

The Toa of Air looks cool. I think some thin thin and spiky would work well for him, though I don’t have any pieces specifically in mind, except perhaps some Metru-style ones.

The villain is super awesome, though he needs a highlight color to make his color scheme less bland. I really like where he is going though.

@Oniwah Thanks a lot!

Ooh, those are nice! I might actually use something like that on the Toa of Air, as those technic blocks would really work well to tie in to his lower arms.

The Toa of Plasma will definitely be using two more dragon heads as shoulder armor. Knights Kingdom II could definitely fit the legs! Not sure how I’d work the Metru shoulder armor into the legs, but I’ll give it a shot.

[quote=“Windfall, post:15, topic:15721, full:true”]
The Toa of Air looks cool. I think some thin thin and spiky would work well for him, though I don’t have any pieces specifically in mind, except perhaps some Metru-style ones.[/quote]
Hmm… I’ll see what I can do with that. I want him to look more armored and less spindly than a typical Toa of Air, but some spiky pieces could definitely work.

I’ve been going through my parts for months trying to find a good highlight color for him. Any ideas?

Wai-wa-iwai-wait! Inika shoulder armor!

Well I don’t know how your parts collection is, but I think trans-dark blue or dark green would fit well.

Woah, misread that! Inika armor could work well, and I’ve got plenty in dark red.

I’ll see what I can dig up, but I can’t really se what on the current build those colors could replace, save for the Metru shins.

Update: Another WiP to add to the mix. This one most likely won’t be finished.

After multiple attempts to build a “corrupted” Toa of Lightning (or something along those lines), this is the best I could come up with.

It’s shaped awkwardly, hard to pose and photograph, and all of the limbs I tested looked terrible.

It’s already been mostly scrapped, but I can rebuild it if anybody has ideas.

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Well, yeah, it’s awkwardly shaped, especially with that nuva chest (really protrudes). I suggest hollowing out a normal body and making it corrupted only inside.

If you’re going for a corrupted zombie appeal, consider making it asymmetrical.