I’m okay with this idea, despite having said previously that I am on the fence about continued story changes. I still generally feel that excessive canonization of minor details is a slippery slope, because in many cases, it seemed to me that fans would arbitrarily ask Greg for answers that conformed to their headcanons, so they could say that they and they alone contributed something irrevocable to the lore. There was an incident I remember on BZPower where one of its members had gotten masks and tools for the unnamed Toa Mangai canonized, and then like a week later criticized someone’s fanfic MOCs of them because they did not conform to the canon, which was extremely obvious as an attempt to boast about their accomplishments. That incident turned me off to the idea of canonizing arbitrary details for a while…
However, I think that fan contests were one of the most effective means of canonizing things in the past, because they united the community, stimulated creativity, and relied upon democracy and general agreement to come to a conclusion. With that in mind, I’m okay with bringing them back.
Regarding the 3D-printed pieces issue, I’m fine with allowing them, but I think there should be one specific stipulation involved, which is that the only 3D-printed pieces that can be used in a MOC for a contest should be those that are available to everyone in the community. If someone wants to use a 3D-printed part, they should limit themselves to those that have already been made available for purchase, and if they design one, it should be made available for everyone to purchase and use in the same contest. I do think it would be unfair for those with special skill in 3D modeling (which is a very specific talent that a minority of the community possesses) to have the unfair advantage of being able to create a completely unique piece that no one else can use to give their MOC an edge.
Another option would be, as was said before, to not allow MOC contests for characters with Kanohi of unknown shapes. I don’t necessarily believe that we should forbid that, though. At the end of the day, the BIONICLE canon is a creative canon, and no fan should feel pressured to accept a chosen winner as their own headcanon, especially since G1 is long since over.
Regarding CCBS vs. traditional parts, I’m for the use of CCBS, but I do like the old BZPower (I think?) rule, which was that MOCs using CCBS should attempt to use a majority of G1 pieces, say a 70:30 ratio…
Overall, I’m okay with the idea of renewing fan contests, so long as the rules are deeply thought-out and fair to everyone involved…