POLL: What is your favourite colour?

I fancy to the whole visible and non-visible spectrums…but for this limiting poll, Ill say Blue.

Definitely purple. I would have got purple paint for my self moc, but it would look too much like @Hazash’s self moc.
Teal’s a close second, especially old Lego teal.

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Green and certain shades of purple are definitely some of my favorite colors. Blue seems overly casual to me, I’m so used to seeing it it’s kinda lost it’s affect though certain shades I like as much as I do green. For me, green is like blue, only it hasn’t been worn out through constant exposure.

I would never paint a room green or purple though, for me they don’t work in that setting and I’d probably resort to a familiar, pale blue that seems to have been the color of every room I’ve grown up in. Green and purple aren’t something I’d like to be surrounded with, the thought just feels odd to me.