You never sees to amaze me ghosty xD
Kopaka comes with silver…and I think they look fine, as they look like metal gauntlets
Looks pretty nice! I like how you did the head, but the rest kinda seems like more of the same from you.
If it is not broke dont fix it?
This is awesome, great job.
Thanks all!
I love complexity in smaller MOCs, and this is no exception.
This isn’t really what i’d call a ‘‘smaller’’ MOC,but i agree,anyway.
Now that
That is an improvement.
how did you ever think that was a good idea!?
As for the completely freakin awesome finalized moc, black and white has always been one of my favorite color schemes (yeah yeah I’m boring) but that trans blue visor piece works really well despite it being the only piece of that color on the moc. plus I love that visor piece so that’s a thing
Is that an exhaust vent in the back of his head? Does fire come out of it?
I’m really liking the helmet design, though I don’t know how I feel about the rest of the build.
It looks a bit messy with a lot of TECHNIC and System pieces poking out in random places. I think the best way to explain it is that this MOC needs a little more flow in its design, because as of now, it just seems overall messy.
Still a decent MOC overall, though I think it could benefit from a redesign of the legs and cleaner torso armor.
Not sure how I feel about the axles on the back of the pelvis.
But I love the part usage!
Textures are sweet, love the head and upper legs. Not sure how I feel about the lower arms though. Great construction, I’m just now sure about how the silver fits with the rest of the MOC.