“Project : Ignition” Stop-Motion Introduction

I hear you. I’ve got a couple scenes from the project itself that I’m beginning to write out to use as test scenes. Worst comes to worst, I’ll just have to reshoot it.

But I’m starting to think I might need an even shorter test scene so I might understand the process, as a whole, a lot sooner.

There’s totally going to be VA! As I said:

One of the things I think I’m most talented with is my voice, as well as language, and I happened to notice that, while Ignition pt. 2 has a few talented VA’s on there, LEGO’s and Noah’s team’s writing combined into a bit of a poor set up for most of them, regardless of their experience voice acting. However, once I realized the narrator for the 2015 2D animations was speaking for everyone when I heard that Gali’s VA was definitely a dude, I knew I had found like just about the only thing I appreciated about the reboot’s story media. Like many popular shows through the years, a surprisingly small team can accomplish a lot of VA. I’m excited to work with other talents and collaborators, should those kinds of opportunities arrise. I’ve seen Biocraft Chronicles, and I actually like a good portion of the VA I heard there!

I think I might even do a bit of singing, cause I’m super into that too! :stuck_out_tongue: