Rahi ecology questions?

Hi, it’s a well known fact that the Makuta species’s job was to creat rahi for the MU. Makuta could create new species of rahi but what about already existing species? Could two rahi of the same species reproduce sexually together to create a new individual or did all rahi have to me built by the Makuta?
On a side note, do some rahi have to eat other rahi to survive like taking predatory animals?
One final question. Did Teridax create any rahi? If so, what rahi did he create?

  1. No. There was no sexual reproduction. Rahi did not have “young.”
  2. Yes. Just as Matoran were capable of drawing energy from fish, etc., Rahi could get it from other Rahi. And since they didn’t know they could do it just through touch, sometimes they ate them. If, for example, a certain breed of Rahi was needed in large numbers at times for a particular reason, having a predator for that species would help keep the numbers down when they didn’t need to be in such abundance.
  3. He did, but I don’t have any list of which Makuta created which Rahi.

@RealGregF Given the group of Manas that were protecting the Mangaia, me and my friends headcanon that Teridax’s area of expertise was crustaceans. I know you cannot canonize it, but I hope you like this idea. =)

According to BS01, Teridax created the Water Wraith, the Tarakava Nui, the Rahi Nui, and the Kinloka. Aside from classified Rahi, he also created the Karzahni and Morbuzakh plants, and Kraata-Kal.


Kraata-Kal is not a Rahi though. It’s a Kraata exposed to the Kal energy.

Yeah, I know. I just threw it in there to include all of the sentient creatures we know Teridax is responsible for creating.


So based on this, the only logical conclusion would be that the Rahi somehow Asexually reproduce?
Because otherwise, the Brotherhood would have to individually create every single Hoto in a swarm of thousands, which would be an illogical and functionally unsustainable system.

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Actually, there is a third answer here. Once you have the proper combination of viruses to create the Rahi you want, you simply let the process run until you have as many of those Rahi as you want. You don’t have to create every one individually anymore than you have to individually craft every piece of a fleet of cars.


That makes the most sense to be honest. :smiley: Also kinda makes for an amusing thought:
“Hey Chirox, the reports just came in: the Skakdi on the Southern Continent ate all the Mahi, and villagers are starving. We need a new batch asap.”


I think that makes sense. I personally like to think that the Manas were one of the first Rahi Teridax created, and he was later responsible for the Ussal. Imagine, how ironic would it be that Takua’s faithful companion was originally created by Teridax himself?

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So basically this means that (most) Rahi will eventually become extinct if Miserix (if he survives) and Alternate Teridax don’t decide to start creating more again. Also with the Destral library destroyed (where I figure all the “recipes” for the various Rahi breeds were kept) they’d probably have to start from the beginning (minus the Rahi recipes they can remember).

Or is there actually a way to determine from a finished Rahi which viruses where used for its creation?

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Oh, heck, it’s potentially worse than that. Outside of GB installations, which are largely hidden, where would the facilities exist to produce the viruses on Spherus Magna?


Can’t the Makuta build new ones? I mean, they had Destral… or was it built for them by someone else?
Also, wouldn’t a Makuta keep all his formulas in his head - to keep them from his fellow brothers and sisters?

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There’s only one Makuta left, Miserix, and I am not sure he would see a need to create new Rahi. They had a purpose to serve inside the robot, but the robot no longer exists.


Just to amend that answer a little – Alternate Teridak is around as well, but I can’t see him much being into Rahi creation either. And I don’t really think the Agori would want a plethora of new bio-mechanical wildlife running around on their planet.