Random Thoughts that come to your head

Oh. Uh… yeah.

finally getting the motivation to watch RvB13 from this

knock on door
Do you have a moment to talk about Roosterteeth?


What about it?

Meh. Nevermind. It was a joke. Explaining it might actually get me into trouble, so just forget about it =P

*i should finish fate/zero."

“nah I’ll keep playing persona”

How was Cory in the House created?

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I always wonder if I am not liked by anyone and it’s all just an act, or the same thing with me being stupid, or I wonder if I have been living in a dream or coma…


do we really exist?

is reality a thing, or are we just figments of one’s imagination?

What if we were just part of some huge computer simulation, or part of a game?


Let me take this one step further

What if everything in life is an act?

What if the whole world is a giant act and I’m the only one that doesn’t have a script?

What if everyone besides myself doesn’t exist? And someday I will wake up and find that everyone in the universe has simply disappeared?

(These were my real thoughts as a child)


“Man if you actually think that joke is funny, get purged”

I still have these thoughts…


Would it taste good if I dipped sweet kettle corn in my chocolate fondue fountain?


What if the moon really were to ram into the earth? Realistically, what would happen.

How much explosives would you need to blow up the moon?

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Irrelevant.Even if we were to shatter the moon, there’s no way we could break it into small enough chunks to avoid a cataclysmic event

The idea is to cause a disaster, not avoid it.

I’m being crazy 'cause why not?


Ah. Well in that case, all you’d really need to do would be to knock the moon a few hundred miles closer to Earth, and as I understand it, gravity would do the rest.

it’d look pretty from space though

WHat’r we waiting f0r

Probably just a few nukes

(it was theorized that the Soviets would launch a nuke to the moon for some reason during the cold war)


I sometimes wonder if this topic can be revived?