Reboot Exo-Force: Yay or Nay?

Dude, mixel-joints in Exo Force


Yay, but only if it comes back as a Duplo theme


yay, it looks pretty cool

Clicking hinges were fineā€¦ They had extra stability.

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Exo Force was a big part of my childhood, so I definitely want it back. Maybe Iā€™ll revamp some old sets, eventually.

Iā€™ll be up for it. It always interested me and itā€™ll be great to have a set from Exo-Force.

Personally Iā€™d rather not make it into an anime-artstyle sort of deal, rather just normal lego faces.

LEGO has upped their game when it comes to mechs. It could work.

YES. That concept has so much promise.

Iā€™d be happy if they make an entirely Mech line, with proper poseability and all. If it canā€™t pose properly, then itā€™s dead to me.



but if theyā€™re gonna bring it back, make it mature like the last generation. LEGOā€™s been lacking a mature story theme for a while nowā€¦


Amen to that. Ninjago and Ultra Agents were the closest weā€™ve gotten to a mature theme lately.


Just gonna second this. The enemy robots, I loved their design. Seeing an upgraded version of that would be great.


From a financial standpoint, a theme about mech suits would sell pretty well with kids today, so I say yay


Iā€™d say yay, knowing how popular mechaā€™s are becoming again worldwide.

But by yay, I mean give the story a proper conclusion and not the ā€œYOU DECIDE HOW IT ENDSā€ sort of nonesense we got instead.

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This isnā€™t an actual reboot, but it might still be of interest to anyone still hoping for new Exo-Force stuff:

Some recent set leaks/rumours show that an upcoming set features a ā€œmodernizedā€ Stealth Hunter build. However, itā€™s not really the main focus of the set; as such, the build is fairly small and simple, using the prefab ā€œmech limbsā€ with no knee or elbow poseability.

(Iā€™d post the picture, but Iā€™m not sure what the rules are around it; it doesnā€™t have any confidential markings, but I also donā€™t think it was officially put out by Lego)


Yep, Iā€™ve seen that leak a few days ago!
Itā€™s pretty intriguing that Lego seemingly decided to give such a reference to Exoforce, one that not even Bonkle got recently. (Minus the 2023 GWP, of course.)

As for the question:

-Yes, Iā€™d be very excited for another iteration of Exoforce.

-No, I am sure that it would go through some changes to the plot and its tone, but if, letā€™s say, it would receive a similar treatment as A: TLA, with a similar-looking TV/Streaming show, I could get behind it.