Red axles and blue pins in strange places

While walking down my street today, I saw something at my feet that caught my eye. I was dismayed when I looked down and saw what it was.

I think I might be cursed and I am being followed by the demons of the blue pin

Anyways, this horrifying incident got me thinking. Why don’t we do a ‘cursed images’ topic of sorts, where we take pictures of blue pins and red axles where they clearly don’t belong? Belong even less than in visible positions on LEGO sets, that is

Thought it could be fun. Now if you excuse me, I have to board up my windows as I am pretty sure there are blue pins gathering outside to infiltrate my apartment.

They don’t belong on Eljay’s Bionicle set pro list/s

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Where is the pin?

You have to click on the picture; for some reason only the top half is displayed in the post.

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Like, that pin was just simply in the middle of the road?

he’s hitchhiking like Bruce Banner!

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