Relentless Discharge (Challenge: Fire and Ice)

On an ancient, inhospitable world, a lone soldier, the last survivor of his company, fights on against hordes of restless dead, brought back to a perverted parody of life by the planet’s ancient curse.

This is my contribution to the Ice and Fire challenge by @StarBreaker. No clue if I’m, like, the only person who’s going to enter or not, but either way this was a blast to build.

Inspiration for this MOC ended up coming from the metric ton of Warhammer 40k miniature painting tutorials I’ve been watching recently. The 40k world really fascinates me, the game less so, but that’s besides the point.

Enough babbling, here’s the MOC:

So yes, non official pieces.

3rd party pieces (all of which are BrickWarriors, by the way) was a risk I wanted to take, and if this is disqualified I’m cool with that. I considered using official pieces, but none of them did it for me without looking just like a Star Wars character.

Just to clarify for the uninformed, BrickWarriors parts are made specifically for Lego minifigures. They aren’t a knockoff brand.

The full list of BrickWarriors parts used in this MOC are:

RT Helmet
RT Armor
Fire Breather
Goblin Helmet

When I was building, I decided to make the fire the centerpiece on an icy background, instead of vice versa. The landmine explosion took a lot of work and I’m generally quite pleased how it looks, although the camera angles don’t do it justice, I feel. Brickbuilt CGI is something I’ve been trying to get good at, and this is the second time I’ve had a result I liked. I found out that the key was incorporating as many different angles into the base as possible, which I did with two handlebar pieces.

In case anyone was wondering, this is how I connected the upset snow pieces.

Aside from the soldier, the rest of the minifigs were pretty slapdash, I have to admit. Ended up not selling the aesthetic I was going for.

And here’s a final image of the MOC without the minifigures.

Final disclaimer: sorry about the doodoo image quality, I couldn’t find my higher res webcam and had to use a point and shoot camera instead. I did the best I could in post production, hope it’s not too bad.

Anyways, for anyone who actually read that without throwing up over my pretentiousness, have some of Pakari’s cookies. :cookie: :cookie:

The Big C and the Little C are much appreciated. Obliterate my ego as you see fit.



woo, someone made something!

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Winger does moc???

This looks great I love all the details you’ve included here

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I love this! Hope it gets in the video.

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Love the micro display! And no worries on the unofficial pieces–if I’m gonna allow Studio and the myriad of unofficial parts packs in that (or even 3d printed parts for other builds) this is more than fine!
Thanks for your entry!


Yayyyy this looks freaking cool! I have a friend who is into 40K. This MOC looks like a fantastic inspiration to Fire and Ice!


Fantastic, thanks!

Thanks, and welcome!


Where did you get the helmet of the guy shooting fire? This is a great moc by the way!

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Thanks! The helmet is from BrickWarriors. I put it in the OP.

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