Revamp: Korgot

Well, hello members of the Message Boards! As you have more than likely guessed, my name is Saxton, and I have been on MOCpages, YouTube, and Google Plus for a while. This is my first post, and as some of you on MOCpages, etc. know, this is a fairly old MOC of mine. Don’t worry, this isn’t my most popular, or best MOC, I just felt like posting this first.

I also have my Self MOC, which will be posted here shortly (as soon as my BrickLink order comes in), and his name is Sentann (Sen-tuhn).

Anyway, enough jabbering, here is my first MOC here; a revamp of Korgot, the Protector of Earth! For many people, Korgot is a favorite in Bionicle Gen. 2, and is in fact my favorite character as well.

Well, if there is something that is missing from the original set, I do apologize, but this is the way I want the set to be like, so everything that you see in front of you is from my personal opinion.

But, yeah! Sorry for the amount of text I have, but I just wanted to get that out of the way for now. Well then, Enjoy!



(For those of you who know me, this is not a scam. It really is me. :3)


Mayhap some more pictures, please?

TTV only lets new members put up 2 links on their first moc. Sorry.

Looks pretty good from what pictures there are.

I really like this but I feel like this is less of a revamp and more of you just making her bigger.

I see what you’re saying. I wasn’t intending on her to be BIGGER, but I appreciate the criticism! Thanks!

This is pretty cool!

Also welcome to the boards man!

she looks alright. Sorta miss there having plates near and around her chest

Good to have you here Saxton!

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Looks neat.

Looks great, the torso is brilliant.

This is pretty great Saxton! Good job, I really like the shoulders. :smile:

a korgot revamp that’s actually good and not sexualized?

what sorcery is this!?


I DONT KNOW! Help us biorock, fix this… thing!

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Like I said, very good. Welcome to the Message Boards.

Talk to the hand.