Romance In Brickonicle? [POLL]

Definitely agree with this. In the Overwatch fandom alone, there are tons of very popular ships that happen with characters that literally haven’t even interacted in canon (HanzoxMcCree, for one, last I checked). Shippers don’t even need an inch to take a mile. They’ll just make up the inches in their head, and then do fifty fan comics about it.

You can also write a really great story without main characters that are female (Shawshank Redemption), or that don’t have a villain (the Martian). Unless that reasoning extends to say there should be no Gali and no Makuta also, I don’t think that it holds up.

Romance isn’t a distraction, unnecessary or a waste of time by concept. That’s the notion I keep trying to combat with what I’m saying here. There’s definitely no logical reason to stop it from ever happening.

Please do not do the moderator’s job. This conversation concerning romance in Bionicle is still relevant to this original topic’s intent, and promoting your “own” topic as the “correct” place to talk about a subject is overstepping your bounds. Our staff members and members of the TTV Cast are who ultimately decide what is on topic or not.

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