RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

Paul wakes up and pets John. “Good morning.”

OOC: warning I’ll be at work again and not on the message boards for the majority of the day. And sorry about last night, as soon as my phone changed all the way I had to go to bed.


OOC: Its fine, see you later

OOC I wont be on much today

Gawain woke up and went to tell Mira what happened last night.

OOC: By the way, “Kohanna Niyol” has been changed to “Henati Isau”. Sorry for the sudden change.

OOC Lets just say I misread that the first time…


OOC: Yeah, starting to have fifth thoughts. Well, I think I’m back to “Kohanna”. Alright, yeah, disregard what I said earlier, the only thing that changed was the last name.

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Arkane wakes up.

Flare wakes up and had her wing over her and Coral.

OOC: peaking in

Coral was snuggles against Flare sleeping.

Flare smiles and pets her.

Coral whines happily, in her sleep.

Flare warms up

Coral nestles against her, as she continues to whine happily.

Flare continues to pet her.

Coral slowly starts to wake up.

Flare:" Good afternoon my snowflake."

“Afternoon already?” Coral asks quietly.

Flare nods," Yes, it is."

OOC: and now I gtg again, bye

“Can we stay like this for today?” Coral asks.

Flare:" Sounds good to me." She holds her close.