RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

Paul heads to the bathroom and turns on the water.

Arkane:" Maybe. Hey this might just be the whiskey talking, but do you want to do it?"

Heather strips down.

She igggles “You wanna do ‘It’?”

Paul does as well, and hops in the shower.

Arkane nods," Yeah."

So does Heather.

Paul starts to wash himself.

She scoots closer and holds her whiskey. “Wanna try something first?”

Heather washes herself.

Arkane:" Sure."

Paul instinctively wraps his tail around her waist, and purrs quietly.

She fills her mouth with whiskey and kisses him.

Heather also starts to wash Paul’s tail.

Arkane kisses her back and holds her close.

“Thanks.” Paul says quietly as he purrs loudly.

She smiles and snuggles up into him “I love you.” She wraps her arms around him

Heather:" No problem."

Arkane:" I love you too, now shall we?"

Paul continues to purr loudly, as he finishes washing himself.

“Do you have protection?”

OOC: wait,we’re actually going there?


Heather also finishes washing up."

Arkane:" Dang it, I forgot about that."

“Well, it’s getting late.” Paul says.

She smiles wearily “I guess we can just do the warm up.”

OOC Tell that to half drunk Arkane.