Salvation: Part II

Wildsong tries to run away, in the same time looking for the status of the attacks on Sinnertwin.

Wildsong would be unsuccessful; Windrazor seizes her by the shoulders, clamping his claws down tight as he lifts her off the ground. The predacon opens his jaws and lunges to bite down on Song’s shoulder.

Twinstrike puts up a valiant fight against his foes, but in his weakened state resulting from his surgeries, he is eventually overcome, crumpling to the ground as he falls into stasis lock.

“Help! Shoot him down!” Song yells, unable to defend of the Predacon’s attacks.

Windrazor tears into Wildsong, ripping off many of the plates that Brainpan had installed to hide her organic components. Her life seemed to be in jeopardy, but Brainpan comes to the rescue with a bolt of lightning from her Techvolt Emitter that shocks Windrazor (and unfortunately Wildsong, as well), forcing the predacon to release Song and revert to robot mode. Several scientists take the opportunity to helped the stunned Windrazor along into unconsciousness by pelting him with stasis rounds.

Due to the heavy, unbearable damage, Wildsong is thrown into stasis lock, being unable to see the outcome of the attacks.

Ironically, it was at this point that a force of mercenaries storms into the lab to subdue the predacons, only to realize that they had come too late: the laboratory was in shambles, many scientists had suffered gruesome deaths, and the three predacons had been felled, laying on the ground in stasis lock.

The leader of the mercenaries lowers his weapon and mutters an obscene curse. His superiors would have his head for this, and send the rest to the medics to salvage for spare parts, he was sure.

It was then that the mercs notice Wildsong laying on the ground beside Windrazor- and the bits of flesh visible through her torn armor. Given the Decepticon’s general hatred toward techno-organics, it was easy for the bots to come to the conclusion that this bot did not belong here.

Smiling, the mercenary orders that the unconscious bot be taken to the brig. Maybe if he captured a spy working for the enemies of the New Decepticon Order, his employers would show him some mercy…

…Some hours later, Wildsong would wake up in a small, square cell lit by a single red light in the ceiling.

Confused, Song stand up.
“Hello?” she asks, hoping for a response.

Through a window of tiny bars in one of the walls, Brainpan’s energon-spattered face suddenly pops into view from the cells beside Wildsong’s.

“Hi!” she shouts.

“What… What happened?” Wildsong asked, her voice thinned by the damage she suffered.

Brainpan begins to summarize the events which had taken place during Wildsong’s unconsciousness.

“Well, after we took down the predacons- which was really awesome, by the way; I haven’t been in a battle like that in decades so it was a nice change of pace from being in a lab committing crimes against Primus and nature- some bounty hunters showed up and their leader said ‘oh slag, the boss is gonna rip our faces off’ or something- I wasn’t really paying attention. But then they noticed you had fleshy bits and they were all ‘she must be a spy, take her to the brig!’. So I tried to explain your whole situation to them, but the weren’t listening and mighta pulled out one guy’s sparkchamber through his throat in the process- things got a little violent, you see…”

“OK, stop.” Song said, trying to talk on a normal tone, although her wounds were still producing unimaginable pain. “I… I must call Thunderblast. She will talk things out. She has to…”

“That’s what I tried to tell the bounty hunters!” Brainpan exclaims. “But they weren’t having it and they were all ‘you must be a traitor, come with us you spawn of a glitch’ so of course I had to defend myself though maybe I took it a little far with the sparkchamber thing… sssooooo anywho now we’re here.”

“…I fixed that nasty bite in your shoulder though,” she says after a pause, as if that was any consolation.

Song looked at the fixed wound, before turning back to Brainpan.

“No problem,” Brainpan says. “They took our weapons, though.”

It was only then when Song realised that her weapons were missing. She sighed tiredly, before opening her comms and trying to call Thunderblast.

The commlink emits only a harsh burst of static.

“Only the guards’ communicators work down here,” Brainpan informs her. “Keeps the prisoners from calling for help.”

Song sighed once again.
“And where are they? Don’t we have any guardian or something?”

Brainpan shrugs. “They’re around.”

A look down the hallway would reveal that Wildsong and Brainpan were the sole occupants of the corridor. All the other cells were empty, and the guards were currently absent.

“I can’t see any…” she said, looking through the hallway.

“They left just before you woke up,” Brainpan informs her. “Probably changing shifts, so a new one will be here soon.”