Salvation: Part II

She then went quiet again.

Alterion sighed, as he ran and jumped into the portal.

Gronius lands in robot mode next to them.
“Shall we?” he asked, waiting the group to enter inside.

The hallway outside the cell fills with a clamor as general Obsidian himself turns the corner, flanked by Ground Troopers.

“Oh look, guards!” Brainpan remarks. “I told you they’d be back.”

In a flash, Alterion is whisked through the wormhole- a strange, tingling experience unlike any he had felt before. In a flash of light, he’d find himself falling toward the pale, dusty surface of OL-2006-2-C’s moon, with Rough standing below with his hands on his hips.

“Howdy,” the treasure hunter says, smirking. “Nice of you to drop on by.”

“I repeat: for what purpose have you called me here?” Shockwave coldly demands.

Zepar explains as best he can about Gronius’s concern for his sister and her current espionage plan. This group was made so that, either when she is discovered or when she has completed her mission, she can be safely extracted.

“Wildsong has most likely been terminated,” Shockwave bluntly weighs in. “Our efforts would best be focused elsewhere.”

“Gronius feels he needs to see her, alive or dead, to know her fate.” Zepar said.

Epsilon kept a wide berth from the others for fear of a fight breaking out.

“A mission to infiltrate the New Decepticon fleet would be futile and illogical,” Shockwave persists. “There is a high probability that we would be terminated, as well.”

Zepar looks at Gronius, silently asking him to give his thoughts.

Song is still silent.

Alterion turned to his plane mode and ordered Rough to jump on him.

“Hey, don’t say that!”

Obsidian sneers at Wildsong and Brainpan, who also holds her tongue.

“What?” he says. “No words of defiance? No pleas for mercy?”

Rough approaches Gronius.

The tankards of energon had spilled out across the lunar landscape, and further away, ancient spires of silver metal poke out from the dust, twisting into the remains of an ancient cybertronian outpost looking up at the green orb beyond.

“If Wildsong outlives her use to Thunderblast, she will dispose of her,” Shockwave continues, matter-of-factly. “If her true intentions are discovered, the New Decepticon Order will terminate her outright; they do not take prisoners.”

“However, if Wildsong acts logically,” he continues, his tone suggesting that he had a shred of doubt the Autobot had it in her, “she will endeavour to escape at the earliest opportunity, which would not be entirely impossible for her to do without our aid.”

Then we had better hope she knows how to read the room, or we will lose her. Zepar thought.

“Why would I?”

Alterion tries to fly back to the portal.

“Why don’t we talk about this planetside?” Zepar asked the group.

“Well,” Obsidian says with a cruel smile, “if you have any last words, you’d best speak them aloud. You and the traitor are to be executed.”

Alterion’s flight would be uninterrupted, and he would re-enter hangar twelve.

“Wildsong is most likely terminated,” Shockwave maintains. “In the unlikely event that she is not, however, it would be unreasonable to divert so many of you to her rescue.”

“Alright, well, you do that. Meanwhile I’m going to go see how the interrogations are going.”
He left the nest and transformed into vehicle mode, then drove to where Lurch was being held.

Spectrum shrugged. “I’m h-here-ere-ere to hel-p-p-p!”

Lurch was being held in an interrogation room branching off of the security hub, sitting in a chair with his arms folded over his chest, glaring at the guards standing around him.

SideStep entered the security hub.

Lurch glances over to SideStep.

“Ah!” he exclaims, smiling. “You there, sir! Would you lend a fellow Decepticon a hand and convince these simpletons to release me?”

“I can’t do that.” SideStep replied.
“We’re searching for a spy, and I’m leading the investigation. You match every piece of evidence I’ve found. The only thing we’re waiting on is actual confirmation of who it is. Until we do, however, you’re our best bet.”
SideStep leaned towards Lurch and squinted, his optics full of suspicion.
“Tell me anything and everything you know about the spy.”

Lurch appears equal parts disappointed and insulted.

“I imagine I don’t know any more than you do,” he sneers. “Whoever they are, they’re clearly a clever spawn of a glitch, that’s for sure. Evading discovery aboard a starship for over a month? As a former infiltration specialist myself, I must admit: I’m impressed.”

“Well, as a ‘former infiltration specialist,’, what would you do if you were him?”