Say Something Positive About the User Above You

You have a Rode as you avatar.
That’s awesome.
The Rode is Awesome.

Lhikan is a great character, and by extension a great avatar.

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You are a socker puppet

You have a stormtrooper helmet. Stormtroopers are cool.

You are a clone of me, and I am awesome, so you must be equally awesome.

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6 + 0 + 6 = 12
1 + 2 = 3
3 is my lucky number!

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Because logic!

You have the Rode as your profile pic, the Rode is the mask of truth, so you must be honest. Honesty is great!

You got Tahu staring at me, and really cool, man!

Your Lego Avengers picture makes me want to assemble a team of bootleg-gets!

You got bricks gg mate nuff said

Your lewa picture makes me know you have a good taste in sets/ characters

You have a good taste in memes

You have 3d glasses. They let you see 3d movies.

You are Tahu, I like Tahu.


You like Tahu, I like Tahu.


your videos are great

Your not dead. That’s good.

You have a nice custom avatar.

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Phoenix Wright is your avatar and a cool game.

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I like the name that has Delta in it…also that Boba Fett Minifigure.