Before I begin, I just want to clarify something. I know Orrel does not have the traditional colors of a toa of Psionics. Also, Orrel may have the element of Psionics, but he is a he. Orrel is not female. He is male. Just wanted to make that very clear. If you feel that you need a reason for this so that you can sleep at night, just PM me.
Also, before anyone cries “MOC Copier!”, Yes, I did get inspiration from @Chro’s Self-MOC. Or at least the most current one to be found on MOCpages. I decided a couple of months after seeing it, that I wanted to make an homage to it, but as I could not find my red skrall armor, that idea ended quickly. So I merely used inspiration from it. I also forgot that Chro had a hammer and I decided to give this guy a hammer because I could never build one well, and I liked the challenge. If you don’t believe me, just don’t post here, I don’t want to here it. I was a big fan of Chro from back when I was on the pages as Pure Epicness. I would never just steal his design. so in case it wasn’t implied enough, credit for the head, and shoulders, and for inspiration go to Chro.
His build in all of it’s simplistic glory
In case it’s not obvious, this is how the shoulder pads are attatched
His primary weapon, the Kinetic Hammer. This was inspired by the Protosteel Warhammer created by @Joev14
Here’s a (hopefully) clearer picture of the hammer head design.
Here is his secondary weapon, the Quickshot Concussion Rifle (with blade attachment)
Obligatory artistic-ish shot
You guys can use any techniques that you can figure out from the pics. Just be sure to give credit where credit is ultimately due. So in other words to Chro or me. Whoever’s design it was first.
Edit: Eljay, don’t even start on the blue pins and open axles. I like the industrial look the axles give him,and the blue pins don’t matter to me.
Story Details:
Orrel was one of the most recent Matoran Universe inhabitants to be created using the salvaged equipment from the crashed red star. He was created as a toa of psionics. He was one of the artificial MUI’s to have the bug where their elemental gender was undefined, thus the gender was decided at random during the personality generation process. Because of this he decided to change his armor color to reflect the difference between him and other beings of psionics.
Orrel didn’t really feel the need to always be on guard for some threat because on Spherus Magna, there was relative peace. Because of this he decided to just work for whatever job he saw first, which turned out to be a ■■■■■■■■ loader at New Atero ports. his telekinesis came in handy there.
He settled into a life of general monotony. Every day he would do the same things: go to work, visit the market, go home. All of that changed when he received a message stamped with a red Hau…