Should the Toa's Gender Be Changed? (More female team members?) [Worldbuilding] [Pitch]

So you’re telling me that I need to spend hours listening to you chat it up about something that, in the end, I can usually gather all the necessary information from after the fact, or else nothing I say actually has any consequence? That’s actually insane. This is the first time I’ve been in the dark about something major you’ve discussed, and the information I’ve missed does not really impact my point.

So are you guys willing to change your mind about things you’re doing or are you not? Either this is a community project, or it’s just yours until someone in the community says or draws something you want to see or hear.

This has never been about whether I wanted the change or not. This is about why the change is of no actual benefit to G3. There are no actual merits to a change like this. It’s change for change’s sake, and as many have already stated, that’s not good change.

They’re not even really influenced by that. Elements poll says that Stone should be dropped in favor of Lightning, so TTV…combines Earth with Plantlife. Genderbend poll says that nobody should be genderbent, so TTV…makes Lewa a girl.

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