the moment I held the new armer add on piece I knew I would have to use it for a head design and this is what came out of it. skull igniter has hip articulation.
I would give this MOC an overall rating of an 8/10.
The model looks simple, but effective. You wanted to make a MOC with a custom head, well you did it shockingly well.
I was expecting to have to flame this, but it turned out great.
You ignited my interests.
No wonder this is a hot topic.
The quality really burns it’s competition.
I am on fire with these puns!
Sorry for that spam, lost control.
The build is nice and the head concept is well executed. Good job.
Holy cow! This is amazing! (Better than any of my Mocs ) Love the custom head and the build looks great and not gapped. Also love the weapon, the spikes on the back, The custom hands , and the inclusion of the translucent mask of fire! I always thought the hero pack mask was a totally powered up or powered down (whatever they decide for the story) mask!