He looks like a big ol’ six-armed samurai or something. Plus, Skull Slicer is one of my favorite G2 villains, so it’s awesome to see him revamped in such an epic fashion!
He looks like a big ol’ six-armed samurai or something. Plus, Skull Slicer is one of my favorite G2 villains, so it’s awesome to see him revamped in such an epic fashion!
Hes too Bulky. in his old form he looks super crazy with his skinny bones. now he looks like the other skull villians. Hes not the stand-out skull slicer i know.
Looks like Slicers been working out after that drop. Nice work.
That sucks
Love the idea behind this moc and the execution, really solid looking, kudos to you man
Looks a bit too bulky and could use more trans-apple, but I like what you did with the whip/claw/thing.
How did you get the upper legs to work, though?
Skull Slicer…more like Skull Buffer.
brain attack head with an axle running through a hero factory canister with the open hand piece covered with one of the angled triangle piece.
Ah, thanks!
I appreciate the designs…they’re quite interesting. My main issue with this is that NOTHING about it screams “skeleton” except the lower arms and kinda the mask.
Far too bulky IMO, and the upper legs - while creative as all get out - especially don’t help the situation.
Still, the size is impressive if that’s what you were going for (although I do not qualify size as a factor when judging things), and overall he gives off quite the menacing appearance.
Yeah, for what I was making legs any skinnier would have made it fall apart.
I’ll reiterate that size is not a factor for me. I only care about the actual design.
I like the upper legs but they don’t belong on this MOC, IMO.
Looks cool.
Looks so cool, and it’s clear that he’s been working out.
I wish this was the titan set for summer 2015.
I just can’t get over how clever those upper legs are.
Awesome moc! I like how you used the hero factory brain attack heads and the meltdown pieces on the upper legs. Really smart idea!
it looks good but I think the legs are a bit too skinny
Looking back on this, the reversed system plates stand out on the upper arms a bit too much.
and a point worth re-iterating- this this is TOO BULKY for skull slicer.
Looking at the original, I pretty much just added some inner workings to the inside of the ribcage and ut some shoulder pads on him. The legs are just a bit skinnier on the original. I wasn’t exactly trying to go for 100% accuracy with recreating the set, just making it how I wanted to. Not really trying to defend myself, just wanted to point that out as a statement. Thanks for the critique though, will acknowledge it if I ever make any of the other skull villains.