@Hawkflight: You called?
Can’t see it, try again.
Does it work now?
Ah yes, thank you.
No problem. Once I get a 2015 set, I’ll have to actually do some stuff here…
Nice stache, man.
My mom makes Pop-Tarts with that. Delicious.
I can’t skull spider anything because I still don’t have a freakin’ skull spider.
Ohhhh snap. Arachnid on arachnid!
I love how you got the red eyes to work!
I’ll skull spider something eventually; I have two green and one (technically two) blue skull spiders now.
I have a skull spider pic to post, but it is still on my iPod, which I forgot at home…
Aren’t those figures over priced and really easy to break?
A lone Baterra robot stalks the scene, but is unaware of the danger that awaits it…
Suddenly, a wild Blue Skull Spider emerges from its hiding spot, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting Baterra!
Unfortunately, Baterra are only programmed to eliminate those wielding weaponry, thus it is unable to defend itself from a natural predator…
The Baterra has been Skull Spider’d
It now serves the one and only Lord of Skull Spiders…for now.
would this work can a totally mechanical creature be controlled?
This has to be the single greatest topic on the TTV message boards