So I figured I’d start putting all my MOCs into one topic so I don’t clutter up the Boards. I’ll still be putting my Community MOCs in the other topic though.
The first of these is some sort of Dark Toa. Basically, I tried to use both Inika Build and CCBS equally here. He’s a little thin, but I like how he turned out. I don’t really have a backstory for this guy, so feel free to give suggestions if you come up with something.
This guy is a revamp of a MOC I built about 4 years ago. I really wish I had before/after pictures, because this guy has come a long way. He doesn’t really have a name, but does have a backstory. He was once a Toa of Ice, but was blown up or something. He was upgraded by The Shadowed One, and now works for the Dark Hunters.
Nice. I like both of them, with your Dark Hunter being my favorite. He’s very well armored, and overall, looks very sleek, yet mechanical and messy at the same time.
The dark Toa is a bit more generic (Noooo really?) but the only thing I can see inherently wrong, would be the open ball joints in the torso, and the lower torso (Dare I say… Crotch region?) needs some armor methinks.
Yeah, I noticed those problems too. I tried a few things to fix them, but everything I tried didn’t look right. Anyway, think of the open ball joints as a hearkening to Bionicle 2015! or somethin.
I try to give all my mocs lateral bicep movement at least in some places
If not I have this fear of you trying to destroy me with that magical mod shield of yours
Dang it, I was gonna show off how incredibly observant I am by pointing that out! It still looks cool just as its own thing, though. Especially since the original Wairuha had a Miru.
Don’t listen to this yink gui
the Rawjaw MOC is pretty sweet
and by pretty sweet
I mean that torso is the best thing you have ever made in the history of ever (except Kupu :P)
It’s legit better than the majority of Hawky’s MOCs