Some of my MOCs

Hey everyone!

I made some of these MOCs awhile back and thought I would share it with you guys.
Please forgive the bad photo quality, this was taken at night with a crummy lamp as lighting.

My upgraded Mata Nui:

His new sword:

Upgraded shield:

This was supposed to be my self-MOC, but I think I need a better MOC to represent me:

He also has a revolver designed by me:

(The image quality is almost painful…)

I also made this guy some time ago, I named him Grudge:

His mask:

He can also carry his gun on his right leg:

his SMG:

I also made this female MOC, I am quite happy with it:

The back is a little bare, but meh:

With weapons out:

Well, I hope you guys liked them, they aren’t the best, but I am happy with them, especially with Mata Nui and the female MOC.


Wow nice mocs, really creative. ~Detox

Really good. I like your Mata Nui revamp.

Thank you!
I built him because some of the original set’s parts were loose or broken, so I just made him even more epic. :stuck_out_tongue:

That mata nui was kick ■■■… This isn’t a bad thing, but why does almost everyone use the rhakshi head for a self moc?

I’m not sure, I guess it just looks cool.
That was actually one of the reasons I wanted to make a new self MoC, he just looked too much like a savage rahi.

Yeah, I can definitely see that… But every time I use my rhakshi head, he looks like crap…

Love the buffed up look of Mata Nui. Not too sure about the dark blue forearms though…

Thanks! I used the dark blue ones cause sadly I only had one of those forearms in black, so my only other options were dark blue or red.

Of course :smiley:

love the revolver!