Iosif looked slightly up towards Callen, who was swinging wildly at anything that moved near the pair. Or, at least, anything Iosif could see moving near the pair.
He looked down at his wrist. It was glowing a very soft light. Any second now and it’ll stop. Right now, is that a good thing, or not so good?
“Gasses!” Kanei shouts as he swings his sword at the Gore.
Blast, i’m going to get in so much trouble for this. Kanei thinks to himself, he knows how to get the boy to glow again, but he has other problems to attend to at the moment.
“It’s either explosives or Gores!” Callen yells as he continues his efforts to protect Iosif, “I’d much rather deal with the risk of an explosion than get ripped to pieces!”
Hereward tries to catch himself from falling over, even letting go of the sword if he must. Though depending on how badly the Gore spasms, he falls on his rear and gets back up as quickly as he can. He tries to pull the sword out of the creature, but if it takes more than a second he leaves it behind. The sword can always be retrieved later, his life cannot.
Pulling out his scythe sword from it scabbard, Hereward tries to quickly survey the battlefield for a better look. Firstly looking for any immediate threats coming towards himself and then location of his squadmates. If there is enough time, even try seeing how many Gores they’re dealing with. Otherwise, with sword in his right hand, he goes to assist the nearest soldier and thrust the blade in a Gore’s eyes. Or if the head is too difficult of target, slash at its limbs.
Callen, a Gore is swooping down towards you from behind. A second is approaching from Iosif’s left.
At the awkward angle of being held by your side, it’s difficult to get solid hits in, but after a moment, you feel your axe sink into flesh. The grip on your side loosens, but the creature continues to flap upwards, although in a more cumbersome manner.
As you fumble with the leather pouch where your Sunstone is, a Gore swoops around and down for a second pass at you. However, as you pull it out, the Gore veers sharply away from you, and is then suddenly crushed by a massive warhammer.
“What did I tell you? Gores.” Holland’s face if bloodflecked, but his ever-present smile is wide, if forced.
Your squad is mostly compacted in a tight-knit group to your left, although Holland is nowhere to be seen.
It’s difficult to tell - no more than three of the creatures are in sight at a time, as they swoop down out of the darkness to try for easy kills, and then up again. You see the main source of light - the boy - go out.
Callen throws a dagger at the Gore coming in from behind aimed to stick right in its throat while he moves to slash the one approaching from Iosif’s left with his sword, “Teach me or we are dinner for these things!” He yells at Iosif, it wasn’t at all mean, just loud because it was absolute chaos in the immediate area due to the nature of this kind of battle.
“If it wasn’t frowned upon I would break both your legs.”
kanei rushes over, “Cover me!” He orders Callen as he fumbles with his sun stone and manages somehow to hold it aloft while attempting to dig through his sack before retrieving what he thought was catskin. Alcohol had its perks, but grace was not one of them.
The Verdant Paladin swings his body to destabilize the creature’s flying to try and make it crash into something (preferably another gore, and he tries to aim for them as best he can)
Everything with Callen’s plan was excellent, except for the tiny issue that Iosif’s left was on the opposite side of Iosif. So when Iosif saw Callen approaching with sword readied and a threatening command, he immediately backpedaled away. “Wait, think about what-”
That was weird. Almost like something had hooked onto the cage.
Iosif is now thoroughly convinced Callen is out for blood and deliberately pulled his arms back to avoid being grabbed. And that’s when he couldn’t feel the ground under his feet anymore.
Unlike the Verdant Paladin, Iosif was extremely light even with the cage, and likely the Gore would have no difficulty transporting him anywhere. If, uh, Iosif screaming and gripping at his own throat didn’t stop it.
OOC: The joke here is that I capitalized the Wing in Winger because Iosif is in mid flight. Get it? Please laugh my wife left me I need the hubris to live
Kanei chucks his sunstone, he would’ve been hesitant if he hadn’t witnessed the Gore grab Iosif. “Catch!” He was nearly there but not close enough to hand it to callen, so throwing would have to suffice.