Star Wars: The Last Jedi

There always had to be a first time for something, so why not Holdo’s sacrifice?

this explanation always has bothered me, if the bombs are magnetic, wouldn’t they just attach to the bomber ship first? I mean the bombs in the movie are held pretty close to the inside walls so wouldn’t they immediately attach to the ship?

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The ship’s internal gravity makes more sense

i have seen people explain that the bombs that were dropped by the TIE Bombers, were not dropped like bomber planes, but are launched out of the bomb chute. I looked into the Star Wars vehicle book i own, and i could not find any mention of there being a launcher for the Proton Bombs on the TIE Bomber, but it does mention that there are targeting sensors under the drop chute.

anyway, launching the bombs sound a bit more understandable than just dropping them in the vacuum of space. It’s also why most of the bombers type ships in Star Wars are loaded with missiles.

The best explenation that could have be used to explain the Resistance Bombers, would be to say that they are ships not used in space combat but instead for bombing runs on planets. which would also go to show how desperate the Resistance are, if they have to use ships that are not even built for space combat. If they used that as the explanation, then the bombers would probably not have received as much complaint.

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Last Jedi was far from perfect but adequate in my opinion. It had a great feel to it, had writing that I found interesting, and some well done action scenes. Cons to me are, a couple of plot holes, unnecessary (Holdo should’ve lived…) and poorly done kill-offs (…and ackbar should’ve made the sacrifice), and Rose.

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Ackbar would have never been allowed to do so

I don’t understand why not

With the current cultural climate having a character named ackbar suicide ramming a ship would most likely not end well for Disney


Oooooh ok. Didn’t think about that

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Doesn’t mean the guy who was voted “Mr. Star Wars” or whatever on Wookiepedia deserved a meaningless death in the background.

Wow. That totally never occurred to me–now I’m EXTRA glad they didn’t go that way.

Besides, if you’re going to replace Holdo in that scene with anyone, it has to be Leia.


I liked Last Jedi, but I wouldn’t be too disappointed if Disney stops making “saga” movies and sticks to anthology movies like Rogue One and Solo. They were the best Star Wars video content Disney has made so far, in my opinion.

The quality of the Last Jedi is highly debatable. You could argue that it’s a horrible movie, but from a critics point of view, it’s a master piece. So, I don’t think they should really do what you said.

So, crazy idea, but hear me out, just because you don’t like this movie doesn’t mean it’s bad.

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The opposite can also be true.


I can’t make factual statements about the quality of movies and music in my house because my sister will get mad at me for not saying it’s my opinion (even though she does the exact same thing except hers are actually opinions lol) and if my sisters mad at anyone my parents are too, so I have to careful saying that a movie was bad rather than that I disliked it lol

At first I liked it but now I’ve grown hard to it. Though I won’t go into it since this is unpopular opinions, so I’ll just give an unpopular opinion:
I think there’s hope for Rey as a character.

Me too. I initially liked it, but as time when on switched sides.
Now I really dislike it.

I mean, if they stop with all the political mumbo jumbo and actually focus on her character in a way in which it actually finishes her “arc”, she might end up pretty decent.

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Yeah, I think rey has some hope.

I just want to know if the Knights of Ren are the Knights of Revan thousands of years in the future.

must resist urge