Star Wars Topic

I liked the first two seasons of the Mandalorian, but now Mandalorian season 3 Book of Boba Fett took all the interesting plot threads from season 2 and resolved them.


Kenobi was fine until Disney made Ewan Mcgregor make political messages on behalf of the show

now I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be able to like it


I havenā€™t been keeping up with the newsā€¦heck I havenā€™t even finished watching the first episode yet. From a quick Google I see he made a statement condemning racist messages that some toxic fans sent to one of the co-stars, is that what you mean by ā€˜politicalā€™ messages?


I mean it sounds like the way her character has been written can be annoying to some people, so thereā€™s likely some valid complaints but I think theyā€™re trying to make the Third Sister an obsessed person (fixated with finding Kenobi) and wellā€¦people who have an obsession can be annoying! But I have seen evidence that there has been uncalled for comments.

Also for my two cents on the the show, uh I watched the first 5 minutes maybe? Uh, Iā€™m glad thereā€™s all the practical sets and stuff, guess I liked the Main Inquisitorā€™s monologue in those first minutes. Iā€™ve liked parts of all the live action shows so far, they all have episodes or moments that have made them worth watching, although I really really wish theyā€™d make more stories not featuring existing characters or not with such big stakes if that makes sense.

Like imagine a show about Joe, the freighter inventory technician and his dull as dish water job of inventory management.

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Itā€™s not just that sheā€™s obsessive, itā€™s how sheā€™s treated. Sheā€™s the lowest rank Inquisitor Talking back to the Grand Inquisitor? He would have just killed her on the spot. And of course she knows Anakin is Darth Vader, something no one knows. And Obi-Wan is scared of her, when rebels shows that even a half-trained Jedi can own an Inquisitor. And then Vader puts her in charge. And sheā€™s the only person able to figure out where Obi-Wan went because it was an automated shuttle. And she figures out where Leia went because she sees a droid leave a building. And then she teleports to the end of a tunnel.

Also, this oneā€™s super subjective: a lot of people donā€™t find her intimidating. I disagree, I find her presence intimidating, I just think her actions are dumb.

And Iā€™m going to say it: itā€™s because sheā€™s a black lady. The show is treating her as the best person in the galaxy because sheā€™s a black lady. Which would be fine, heck, great even, if she was actually as competent as the show wants to pretend she is. If she was actually an intelligent, conniving character who does cool stuff and out-smarts everyone, sheā€™d make a great villain. But right now, she succeeds in ways she shouldnā€™t because the actor is black.

Thatā€™s what the Mandalorian was/is. Just a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter trying to protect his Jedi child.


Sadly only the mandolorian is like that and actually good. The movies were terrible and now theyā€™re creatively bankrupt only surviving on nostalgia.

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But then they added existing characters and thrust Mando into a bunch of bigger things. Though to clarify I still enjoyed it, just would have been nice to keep the feeling of the earlier episodes where it was sort of smaller stakes and still felt like a grey character.

Youā€™ve raised good points and Iā€™ll have to actually watch it first to reach my own conclusion.


Yes, some uncalled for comments have occurred. A plethora of perfectly reasonable ones have also occurred, and Disney is showing every indication of lumping them all together. They tried making a pr statement, and when the reasonable folks got upset, they called ewan to make a video instead. Disney knows how to be better at pr than this; a sliver of a minority of people making offensive comments exists for literally every form of media and nearly every sompany in existence. If you as a company donā€™t know how to handle that without slighting the majority of your followers, you are a bad company.

To be perfectly clear, I have no problem with the actress or the characterā€™s description in the scripts. But like with any film, book, or other form of media, prowess in a character must be earned or at the minimum proved. She simply can, no matter the topic, and thereā€™s no answer outside of what Racie already mentioned. Disney pulling this maneuver in the way they did makes it really look like theyā€™ve pushed every critique of the character under the blanket of anti-racism, and the people getting slighted now have to respond to Ewan Mcgregor taking the pressure off his coworker/the writers. Again, this is horrible pr if it is a miscommunication, but a 90 yr old entertainment company would probably know better than to do it twice in a row on the same issue.

As for me, I just want my star war to shoot the bad guys and have the charactersā€™ flaws first and foremost - make them work for that sweet, sweet character development.

Well, I get your point, but this seems to swing too far in the other direction. Thereā€™s basically no stakes here outside of Joeā€™s personal involvement with his company, employment status, and life. Without some kind of rogueoneelement, you have a completely serious version of The Office, which in a franchise all about hyping things up to an absurd degree will leave many people scratching their heads as to why it got made.

Like, thatā€™s something not exactly promising rolls of cash in return. Known characters returning and high stakes is a guarantee for an investment return on the scale of billions of dollars. I think thatā€™s more an issue with modern media than star wars, though; rebooting an old franchise for some quick cash is a way more financially safe option than a risky new idea that might completely alienate people. If done right, it could be fantastic, but uh, Star Wars hasnā€™t exactly done a lot of things right lately.

Iā€™m still waiting for Gonk: A Star Wars Story


Well I mean they could still involve the larger plots we know. Like maybe we could get a series of what happened soon after episode 3 / order 66; how did the rebellion survive long enough to become that rival army we see in the movies?


Wait, it just occurred to me that this is sorta what Bad Batch is. Like Mandy, itā€™s focused mostly on minor characters, too.


Iā€™ve heard a theory that Disney plans to remake the original trilogy.


letā€™s just say Iā€™m not very hopeful for the results

The Original Trilogy will be remade by Daniel Espinosa starring Jared Leto as Luke Skywalker.


not gonna lie - i kinda wanna see thatā€¦


I can feel your Morbiness flowing through you, strike me down and your journey to the dimly lit side will be complete


Ewan McGregor is a celebrity with a net worth of twenty-five million bucks. He could bend over to tie his shoes and generate attention. At the end of the day, you paid to see the show so if you donā€™t agree with McGregorā€™s or the showrunnersā€™ politics, cancel D+. I personally find this show rather redundant as the characterā€™s story was already told after I left the theater in 2005 so I donā€™t have a D+ and Iā€™d rather put that money towards a big lego set.

Quite based




When will disney stop copying ghid already?


Also, you can get Kanohi from changing two letters in Kenobiā€¦


I canā€™t believe Disney would do this againā€¦ :pensive:


Or, better yet, Gonkatine. That would certainly be something.