Star Wars Topic

I was typing out a response, but then I realized that stuff like Han shot First is proof that George Lucas has made retcons before.

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I think thereā€™s a difference between Georgeā€™s OCD obsessive edits and flat out contradicting established lore.


I mean, we see Han Shoot first on screen, and then Lucas changed the lore to have Greenock shoot first. I dunno man.

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Ah yes because Lucas trying to add clarity justifies Obi-Wan somehow showing himself to high ranking imperial officials and then somehow not get hunted for 9 years because reasons despite how previous storytelling very explicitly showed him covert still otherwise.


Thatā€™s a lot of words I did not say. Besides, I fail to see how mudding the waters of who shot first adds clarity.

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Itā€™s words you were arguing in favor for considering you are defending Kenobiā€™s retcons.

There was a smoke cloud in the OG scene, I know this because I had it on VHS. It was very hard to see what happened. In contrast there is no smoke nowadays. Yes, there was added clarity, quite literally!

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Thatā€™s not a retcon, thatā€™s just something that doesnā€™t make sense. And I agree, its dumb, but thats a different argument, so traykar is right that it wasnā€™t what heā€™s arguing.


Is not caring too much about retcons the same as defending them?

While that might be true in a very, very literal sense, it wasnā€™t really in the spirit of what I meant. It was clear who shot first in the original cut, and it then got retconned in another.

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I donā€™t know what youā€™re trying to say.

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For someone trying to take a ā€œI donā€™t really care about themā€ stance you sure seem to be trying to defend them.

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I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to compare ā€œHan shot firstā€ to Obi-Wan. With Obi-Wan, we now have a movie saying Obi-Wan never met Vader or Leia, and a show that says he did, both supposedly canon. With Han shot first, you donā€™t have a contradiction; either the original version is canon, or the special edition, but not both.


I utterly agree here. Ultimately Lucasā€™ authorial intent remains intact, this is lost in the newer canon content under Disney.


Ah, well, I am clearly too smooth brained to create a valid argument. I deeply apologize for wasting your time and energy on my pitiful attempts at saying nothing of value.

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Why victimize yourself? I am not trying to antagonize, you are giving mixed messages with your arguments. Are you for the retcons or against them? If you donā€™t care, why even bring up possible contradictions to my statement? I am confused.

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What would you like for me to say?

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Maybe Iā€™m just creating more confusion, idk, but to clarify, my point is:

This is not a retcon. We donā€™t have one source saying he was hunted for nine years, and another saying he wasnā€™t, or one source saying he never showed himself and another saying he did (unless thereā€™s something Iā€™m missing).

We have the show saying he showed himself, and the movie implies he was not hunted. Does it make sense? Heck no. Neither do other things, like Dath Maul surviving. But thatā€™s just plot convenience and contrivance.

There are retcons in the show, yes, but I wouldnā€™t consider that one.


Something cohesive, at least? This has been all over the place.

All I am saying is this: Lucas had a distinct vision, one he tried to remain consistent over. Even when he made edits to his films, they were often in his eyes improvements. And I agreed with most: he made improved X-Wing fights and improved some special effects that were wonky in the originals and placed prequel versions over them (such as the Emperor).

I think this shows that Lucas was in the very least trying to remain consistent with his films. Otherwise he would not go back and make characters like the Emperor look more consistent. This is something I just feel is lacking in Disney Star Wars, which adds new elements very cumbersomely and with contrivance and elements that donā€™t align well with the original films.

I agree with your point here, yet it still bothers me nonetheless that such things are happening when even the prequels tried to at least tell a logical story. (Just with the shortcomings of bad dialogue and being convoluted.)


Thanks for the clerification. My reply had more to do with Traykarā€™s arguments being about retcons or not


Cool, I was clearly wrong. I just got off of work and I donā€™t feel like putting time and effort into internet arguing. I was wrong, be content with that.

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