hello guys.
i’m currently building up my youtube channel (and i’m too dumb to think of some funny jokes for stopmotion videos), so i am thinking of creating a stopmotion series.
i wrote it in a book version a while ago and i think it’s pretty cool.
now…i think a stopmotion SERIES only works with voiceactors and my voice sounds horrible.
without further talking useless stuff, let’s just get to the main informations:
the story is about vezon travelling in time and space. then he replaces the vezon of another dimension, in which vezon is the emperor of mata nui.
many characters will be featured and it will take some time till the first episode comes out, because i wanna do it right.
still i think i should already start with searching for voiceactors.
so… these are the roles i’m gonna need:
important characters:
vezon - Nyran
zaktan - possibly Nyran
avak - Matoro
takua the chronicler! - Chronicler
everyones favourite: HAFU - definetly Chronicler
random skakdi
random matoran (for screaming, shouting for help and such stuff )
random toa of air
random toa of stone - possibly Chronicler
random toa of ice
mutran - Nyran
possibly antroz
ta-matoran-villager - possibly Ketta
po-matoran-villager - possibly Kretta
ko-matoran-villager - ToaVuhii
onu-matoran-villager2 - possibly Kretta
balta - possibly Chronicler’s brother
piruk - possibly Trollotoa
turaga of voya nui - MaximumWarp
ga-matoan-cyborg (yes, it is supposed to be called matoan (half toa - half matoran))
toa ahkmou
that’s basically everything for the first and second episodes.
i know there are a lot of voices needed, but i think some roles can be voiceacted by one person.
I’m thinking of doing a voice for one of the random Matoran. Specifically a Ko-Matoran if possible. Do you have a line I could use to try and work out a voice?
well since i haven’t written the screenplay yet (only the basic story in bookform (and in german )) i don’t have some thing at hand. but i could give you something very quick…
“the thinkers of the matoran fortress are glad to see you alive, adventurer. again the great walls of prophecies didn’t lie about your ways…”
don’t worry i’ll get to writing the screenplay this weekend
just try to say this with your best ko-koronan voice and send the audio file the ‘swongomongo’ on skype
that was awesome! you did vezon extremely well. i could also imagine you as zaktan (which would be awesome). i’m not sure about teridax, though. anyways, thanks for recording this! i’m looking forward to have you as a voiceactor
Wow that vezon was great!
I my self am not experienced enough to even try something like that+the usual lack of a mike. Hope to see this series come some time in the future whenever that is.
sounds good
i’m not sure about my stop-motion skill.
i mean, it’s better than other stopmotions, but not perfect. but as i said, it may take a long time for the first episode to come out, because i’ll redo the scenes as often as needed. i want it to look very good. i don’t know if it counts as proof, that it’ll be good, but i’ll use greenscreens and remote HD-cameras xD
Make it up yourself. After all, your the director and the writer.
However, I have an idea to put forward: Test your walking skills for the characters. Making BIONICLE figures walk on animation is difficult to do, but does no require much to make. I recommend watching some stop motion videos that show walking and running with BIONICLE, like Canister Wasteland 2, MATA (the CBW series) and other animations. Once you master walking, then you should go onto fighting, easing in and out, and smooth animation. Since your primarily working with 06 characters, animating should not be so difficult, due to the potability feature of the characters.
That’s just my recommendations, though. Do what you please.
And, to be honest, I used to animate. I just don’t have the equipment anymore. I really want a new camera so I can make a variety show I planned, named “The Makuta Show.”
I’ll come up with an audition video eventually. smile
You could just get an audio clip with Vocaroo, it’s quite easy, no account needed or anything, and you need not worry about video, or YT uploads, or etc.
This is the first batch of various other recordings of my voice for the thing, tell me what you think of them. Which of all of them(Vezon included) was my best!
WARNING: There is a white noise in the backgroud. It is because of a temporary location change. It will not be there when I do the final voice-over, if I am chosen to voice act.