Hey guys! The overall opinion of G2 Bionicle across the fanbase is rather divided, so I thought it’d be interesting to make a Strawpoll to try and gauge what people from multiple communities (Facebook, Eurobricks, BZPower, The TTV Forums, Flickr) feel about the line. The poll is as displayed;
To submit your answer, click here. If you don’t wish to answer (or already have) and wish to view the results, click here.
Once you’ve answered, please feel free to share the poll elsewhere to help get a larger sample size. Thanks!
The medium ones are of course the most…around 56% which is what I expected, it certainly isnt the best we could have gotten, but the sets are nice and l like them (most of them, some are just meh, or bleh). The Story could have used more love.
This is pretty interesting… I put down “love the sets, not so much the story”. It’s not that the story is bad, but it just seems lacking to me. I dunno.
I answered that I love G2 as a whole. I feel that, as a fan, I am aware of G2’s shortcomings, both in story and in other areas, but I feel that if G1 never existed, the reception for G2 would be much more positive than it seems to be. Of course, you can say that statement is silly, because G1 did exist, but I find that logic and approach will often lead to, shall I say, viewing G2 with “fanboy-colored glasses,” which I do not want to do.
My opinion from the beginning is that the fanbase needs to critique G2 as it’s own entity, rather than as a “copy” of or “homage to” G1. It’s a reboot, yes, and that does link it to G1…but not inextricably. Far too often I see people saying things like, “I wish G2 would do this, like G1 did,” or, “This character/place/event should reference G1 in this way.” I don’t want that to be the way we think of G2. It’s not a copy of or a tribute to G1–it’s a story all on its own, which may reference the old one every so often and, yes, may even be connected to it in some way, but it’s not the same, and was never meant to be.
Honestly, I think there would be less negative opinion of G2 if people asked themselves, “How would I feel about this line if it had been G1, if G1 had never existed?” Would you like it then? I would, and that’s why I voted that I love it as a whole.
Objectively, G2 is just so much better than G1. The sets are made out of quality plastic (rather than a large quantity of “weapon” plastic being used on foot molds, masks, and armor, and the hard brittle plastic they started using later on) and are bigger, better, and more complex. The story itself focuses a lot more on fantasy and magic mixed with tech here and there, which ties it closer to what BIONICLE was at its start than G1 was from 2004-onward. It’s essentially more BIONICLE than later BIONICLE G1 was in its later years. Also, from a subjective standpoint, fantasy settings just allow for an overall more interesting story, because you don’t always have to explain everything unlike with sci-fi. You’re not tied down to having to explain how shadow can take a physical form. It just does, and its accepted as part of how that world works.
Actually, only one year has passed. Don’t use hyperbole. We still have a full half of the year left, and Journey to One shouldn’t be judged as the year’s plot until it’s complete, because only then will you have the full story.
ehhh… not really, you see magic also at times needs to have some form of explenation to it, or else its “its magic, we don’t have to explain it” aka lazy magic.
true you don’t need to explain magic so that its not magic anymore, but you still need to explain some of it. And G2, have done a good job in explaining some of its magic elements, instead of giving us all a shrug and saying “its magic”.