Love it all xD
Keep up the good work
I liked it sir, don’t beat me.
Ram horns be gr8, I love them aesthetically, regardless of whether or not it had been drawn by you.
Also, while I’m sure the spiky bit on the hammer is just off panel, I feel it could’ve been made more evident.
The belly looks like a face that’s cowering at the head
Cannot unsee it. O-O
Nice observation, lol.
Makuta is so spooky that even his own tummy is scared
Makuta cosplays as C-3PO.
the names are getting better, youre drawings arent
SHOTS FIRED (not really)
anyways I love this, pretty omega
I was going to say something along the lines of:
but then this guys beats me to the punch. Anyway, its a nice drawing Matt. GOOD JOB
look pretty good.
Come on guys, 5 more likes till this gets a Good Post/Topic badge!
Matt hates praise and compliments, so let’s all be nice people, and prove to him that he deserves it by getting this badge for him!
Unrelated, I figured out how to spoiler. It’s basic forum fare. I feel dumb now.
you should have your artists license revoked
I like how you gave him tassels.
Needs more cow bell, that’s a personal opinion.
Ha. His mask is reminiscent of a bovine.