Tahtorak - Astral Form (A Self MOC That Needs Help Improving)

I used those to build my rainbow Tahtorak, thanks!

I’ve seen green, red, white, and black Tahtoraks. I must see this rainbow Tahtorak.

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So, I don’t wanna be rude, but are the three lower spike ring things supposed to be axles, or is that just because you ran out of sword things…

I just ran out. But after some heavy searching I’ve found enough, and the rings colors are more uniform now. I just need to update pictures.


And here’s the ring now:


That looks even cooler now…

It reminds me of rayquaza.

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It looks like a combination of the Tahtorak and… what’s that green space snake pokémon’s name from Emerald version? Over all, I like it, but I think that the bottom… spikes?
Axles? need something more on them.
Oh, I just saw the updated picture, much better!
@Zero, Rayquaza, thank you!


I love this sooo much!

Really?! Thank you. :smile: