Tales of Glory and Valour: the Seafarers Main RP Topic

Rook Andreas had been nonchalantly leaning against a wall, with his arms behind is back, completely silent. His presence, however was hard to ignore; his piercing eyes scanned the room, making eye contact with each patron at least once.

His stench billowed off of his body and settled like smoke, adding to the already rank air of the bar. He glanced at the brat— He had only known him for less than a minute and even then he knew the kid was a brat— trying to parse any discomfort. Maybe he’ll retch. Now wouldn’t that be funny?

Andreas flashes a sickly-sweet smile.

“Much obliged, my friend.”

He raises his arm up in some kind of salute, revealing a wicked blade where his hand should have been, and then stalks off to find parlor 3.


As he nears the Parlor, soft but audible footsteps begin to sound on the other side. For a moment a draught of hot air begins to billow from the gap at the bottom of the door. A strong presence on the other side brushes their minds briefly, although with disinterest.

For Mako this presence felt as if he were sitting too close to a Blazing fire, but entirely in his mind.

The brass handle glows slightly as if warmed, and the door creaks open. An Older woman with close cropped Gray hair, looks out at them searchingly, assessing the danger. Her face, though lined with Age, displayed a hardness not unlike one might expect from a statue. She steps back as if it were a practiced Drill. “you may enter, my master will see you now”


Mako walked in, his bare feet feeling the ground beneath him.
“Hello.” He greets the older women. Did she just read my mind? He soon thought of the ocean. I hope we get to sea soon…

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Dolphus could feel his throat tighten. Who just took a look inside?

…Wait, what does that even mean?? Is this something involving magic? Because of all the things Dolphus was certain of, he was doubly certain he hated magic.

Why is everyone here someone who might kill me?

Not having learned the first time, Dolphus bowed slightly and entered with an air of gravity and importance, lifting his cane over the base of the doorway. There may have been some kind of lip in the structure, or there may have not, but it was the symbol it carried that mattered.

Alright. No more mariner. Just inquire about the letter. He looked around with an air of disinterest, trying not to let whatever surroundings existed make him break character.


The Parlor, looks like the typical type you’d find in any Inn, and unlike the rest of the building appears to be in good shape. The carpet is soft and still holds it’s original hue. The windows are covered in rich silk drapes, through which a gentle breeze flutters. To the side sits a table with a Buffet lunch set out. Nothing too special, but wholesome fare. The main Table in the center of the room is thick Oak, seated at the head is a Man. He wears illustrious robes and on his head is an Intricate metal headdress. The latter covering his face from view behind a tinkling Mesh of Metal flames.

He spreads his arms wide at the seats around the table. The stern woman seems to glide an inch off the floor to a position behind him. Although her levitation is not the kind typically associated with Mages. Her body rises and falls with drafts of hot air, as if she were borne aloft by invisible wings. The man looks over them all, Headdress tinkling softly. 'Please friends! Sit!"

He smiles at each of them in turn, “You’ll have to forgive my Guard’s… Caution I’m afraid, she sensed something caused a defensive response in the Patron Guard. She needed to determine…” He paused for a moment to choose his words “…Intent. Rest assured, she only skimmed the surface, your thoughts are your own still”



Dolphus blinked twice at his surroundings. The stagnant air from the rest of the building had gone, the odor of delicious food filling his nostrils and the pleasant breeze softly warming the room. There were a large number of thought s echoing through his mind at that moment - how was there a breeze through multiple windows if this room was surrounded on all sides - but the mask had to be maintained at all costs.

Their host was not so open, either, having his face almost perfectly obscured behind a sheet of tinkling metal. How in the world such a character and such an array of goods managed to get past the suspicious eye and hard countenance of the barkeep was beyond him. But, then again, there was a lot that was beyond him just now.

Dolphus eyed the closest chair. He hadn’t taken much time to assess the rest of his party or their visible intent outside of slightly observing Mako, but he was hoping they would show visible mistrust in the awkwardness of this scenario before-

A vicious glare was sent towards the old woman. How rude, presumptuous, um… Other words that displayed how miffed Dolphus was by this intrusion. So flustered was he by this occurrence that the mention of the Patron Guard went directly over his head.

With a stern eye, Dolphus pushed one of the seats from the table with his cane and descended into it. Please don’t let me be the only unfriendly one here or I’m going to have to change my act.


Now, Markl, you gorgeous, sly dog, you. Don’t play your hand, Markl. Not too soon, anyways. No telling what these others are capable of.

Markl had taken the letter as a sign from the gods, or something. But as with all such … miracles of faith, he’d also taken the letter with a nice dollop of wariness. He had a good reputation, he hoped. But a good reputation in his line or work - or his previous line of work, right? - was not necessarily a “good” thing to have, practically.

He had hung back as the child - the less handsome one, anyways, hm, Markl? - and the masked figure had interacted with the barkeep. The child seems confident. Someone has to have taught him. He allowed the others to proceed ahead before following, pausing to direct a beaming smile of gratitude at the establishment’s jaded proprietor. The man was excused. He probably just needed a vacation and some better lighting.

Watching the child lead the way was interesting. He exuded confidence. But maybe this was still all an act, a trap. The Gorov’s couldn’t’ve found out what he’d done, not yet, but you never knew. He doubted it, though. A child actor? This ridiculous array of individuals? Only a job of hired hands from wherever could procure this.

The probe at his mind made his nauseous, briefly, but he was feeling forgiving. He arranged his features from behind the group, straightened his coat, his gloves, collar, his hair, his face - a slight smile in the mouth, impassive eyes - and then entered the room, leaning very slightly on his club … er, cane. He beamed even harder at the bodyguard than he had at the barkeeper.

He took a step to the right of the group immediately upon entering the room. This could … could still be a … a trap was that food?

Well, in that case.

Nico stood forward, a casual, long-legged gait, to the end of the table, and leaned forward to bow, and then extend his hand to the figure.

“Nico Markl. I am most obliged. All is forgiven.” He used his heel to pull the chair next to the figure out at an angle only marginally less rakish than his smile.

He sat.


Mako, one who was not to question, sat down. But not on the chairs of course. He sat on the carpet, as chairs made him feel exposed and helpless.

Oh, its one of those people. His eyes rolled inside his skull as he readjusted his mask. At least, if you could call bandages a mask. He could tell by the way he walked and talked. Another pompous idiot who gives himself too much credit.

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Alexis was running late. Like most nights She swore she had remembered something but as soon as she awoke and went to write it down it was gone again, of course, that wasn’t the reason for her tardiness today. As Alexis prepared for her journey one of her fellow crewmates from the Twilight decided to visit her and it took her quite a bit of persuasion to convince him that they could catch up with each other next week, this was a lie of course.

Alexis found her standing inside the rundown tavern only slightly disturbed by the condition of the place, This was the place she would begin to get her answers. Alexis glanced down at the letter the stranger had given her. “Where’s Parlor three?” She asked turning to the barkeep.



The Barkeep looks up, “Another one? Down the hall, second door on the left, should be about 4 in there already”

The barkeep wanders over to the Patrons sitting at their usual table, and in a low whisper says “You know this little Gamble of Tharwin’s may actually work”

“Ah yes, I remember you, you were one of our students once.” He nods in Nico’s direction “I am High Priest Tharwin, of the Hearthtemple.” Tharwin leans back slightly, “If I may, what caused you to give up your pursuit of becoming a Caelin?”


Alexis gave a nod in thanks and headed down the hallway, she chose to ignore the barkeep’s comment to the patrons for now. As her fist hovered above the door ready to deliver a knock she thought about The circumstances that had convinced her to join this expedition. What did the stranger offer the others? It had to be something just as important as what she was seeking. Alexis sighed and delivered three short taps to the frame of the door. Clearly, The award most would seek would be money; she did not doubt at least one of the four would be in it for the opportunity to live a life of luxury.


Nico froze halfway down to his seat, his mouth tightening, his muscles going tense. He smiled a tight-lipped smile, and the briefest bolt of anger flashed through his eyes … But only for a moment. After a second, the same mask of languid geniality slid back over his features. He shrugged, very slightly.

“It just wasn’t for me, I suppose.” He met the other’s eyes, raised his eyebrows, as if in a challenge. “Though I am impressed that the High Priest would remember a lowly apprentice from so many years gone by.”


Inside the room, the bodyguard stiffens, the air around her seems to shimmer like a hot summers day. Small wisps of smoke seem to trail upwards from her hair and shoulders. She promptly marches over to the door, opening it formally and stepping back, admitting Alexis inside. “The Final one from this group sir” she says in her rather clipped tone.

The High Priest chuckles softly from behind his Metal Veil. “I meant no offense” he says lightly, “as for your second point, yes, I make it my business to remember all who have trained in my time” He then spreads his hands wide, “I also make it my business to learn what I can about people I personally invite for a mission.”

The High Priest notices Alexis, “Oh good, the fifth one, now we can begin in earnest, feel free to grab food at any time, I’m about to explain why you are all here.” (@N01InParticular)


Dolphus’ expression was flat with disappointment. Here was probably the closest person in age to him, and that person was an idiot of the vainest variety. Who honestly cared if there was a scrumptious supper laid out for the party when the clearest indication of danger seemed to ring out from every floorboard and cobweb?

…Okay, the food did look pretty good. And Dolphus would have to be pretty desperate to eat anything other than the best. But some caution should be advised, even in this setting…

Oh for the love of peaches and cream.

Dolphus continued to make a face of irritation, this time directed at their host. He had been slightly familiarized with High Priest Tharwin by name, but only in discussion of his accomplishments he had managed to overhear. In Dolphus’ mind there was no one more deserving of being dragged by a horse than the ne’er-do-wells perpetuating the practice of magic.

Magic. Disgusting stuff.

There was a bolt of lightning off to his side that drew his attention once again.

It was the young man Nico Markl, only now the enthusiasm and naivety was shattered and the sinister emotions that lay underneath were exposed. It was a fraction of a fraction of a second, but long enough for Dolphus to read the entire picture.

And then it disappeared like it had never been, the mask of disingenuous charisma slipping back into place. I’m going to have to watch him, Dolphus thought. I made some very poor judgements on his character; he could be exceptionally dangerous if he’s had time to master-

Dolphus turned towards the door.

And she was there, standing in the doorway, her warm smile perfectly reflecting off of every surface. For just a moment, the danger of the world and the fact that he was pretty sure one of the people there had a bandage mask of some sort now that he was looking at him faded away, unable to withstand the warmth of her appearance.

And then she was gone.

In her place was another woman, just about the same age, a few inches taller, but enough like her physically to send a convulsive chill up Dolphus’ spine. The military cape over her shoulder was almost a perfect reflection of his own, although she very clearly had two arms.

Dolphus instinctively ran his hand underneath his cape to flatten his feathers, unable to draw his eyes away from her. After fourteen years of searching and losing hope, this decayed and decrepit building with weird corpse people and very bad magic was the most blessed place in the Summer Armada.

He had found her. Or, perhaps, she had found him.


Alexis pulled a chair out for herself and took a seat being careful to not make too much noise lest she interrupt their host. The room contained a collection of the most peculiar people she had seen since her days piloting The Twilight. all of them were laser-focused on their host…All except the boy, He watched her like a hawk not daring to back down.

Had she known this kid? If so what had been their connection? Alexis contemplated as she looked at the boy from the corner of her eye. Then it clicked, The boy was currently wearing a military cape, perhaps he stole it or one of the boy’s parents had been enlisted, Either way, it was quite apparent that she was wearing the same type of cape over her shoulder.

The cape. she allowed her mind to wander. She was more than aware that she had memories and, more importantly, feelings associated with it. She felt comfortable, yet more aware whenever she donned it, and then there was a smaller quieter emotion…



Dolphus continued to stare in awe at Alexis until her manner made it clear she was looking at him discreetly. With a noticeable jolt he snapped his head towards the food on the table, not willing to attract any more attention to himself as his face refused to clear the sheepish expression plastered across it in spite of his strained effort to resume that flat, uncaring mask he was so formally familiarized with.

She’s here. She’s right here. He could feel the feathers on his arm rising once again. What do I say? What do I do? Does she know it’s been nearly fourteen years that I’ve looked? Should I be adjusting my manner towards her? I can’t dare dismiss her. That haggard old woman, she might dare try and intrude again… I have to calm myself. Calm my thoughts. Deep, slow breaths, Dolphus. You’re in control here, nothing unexpected is going to happen…

There was a slight cough sound from Dolphus, who was now visibly uncomfortable and having trouble sitting still. He had slightly begun to reach for the food, but his throat tightened suddenly, and so he sat, resigned to his chair, suffering with the inability to act upon anything that occurred.

Please tell me she isn’t looking please tell me she isn’t looking please tell me she isn’t looking


Tharwin looked around at the assembled group, waiting for any questions, when it became evident that apart from one, they had the Conversation skills of a Raging Galdur, he sighed and smiled

“So, I am here to formally invite you to become Privateers in His Majesty’s service. You will have an important role critical to the health of the Armada.” He paused and took a deep breath “Fire has shown me. Our new King has been chosen, I want you to retrieve him.”

He looks around again, briefly to gauge reactions. Careful not to move his head so they can’t tell who he’s looking at.

“My only information, is that he is deep within Legion Territory, on the Continent of Securine, and…” he pauses cringing as the words form, “…He was of the Legion originally” he breathes a little easier.

“This mission is to be top secret, many in the Armada exist who do not wish the King’s return.” He sneered, “It would mean all their power and influence would amount to little you see. I however, not only wish it, but know that it must take place” he finishes his sentence with heavy emphasis. To drive his point home

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Andreas could sense some slight commotion, but chose to ignore it. The kid’s food was probably a notch too cold for his liking. Or he saw a fly on the ceiling. Or something.

He crudely loaded his plate with a wide range of foods and ate rather ravenously.

Thus far , two out of the six had already managed to get on his nerves. The kid was plain annoying; just the way he carried himself, he was… a bit Gorov-ish. The priest certainly didn’t make a great first impression with his little mind-reading stunt.

But oh well. Let’s hear what this fella has to say.

He leans in a bit closer to Tharwin, eying him with an air of cold suspicion.

"Of all of the people in the entire Armada… you’ve selected us… why?

He then returns to his original position and takes a massive bite out of a drumstick.


Makos eyes shot a venomous glance at Markl.

Mako stood up,and made a bow,taking some food,and undressed his mask to eat.
There would be no need of hiding his scars,the horrifying lacerations and sting marks left by the jellyfish,along with piercing ocean blue eyes. The worst was on his left cheek,healed flesh that was once the site of necrosis.

Ignoring Dolphuses annoyed looks,he prepared to eat on his piece of the fabulous luncheon that he had laid before him.

“I second that question.”

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Tharwin chuckled, “I selected based on qualities that make one suitable for this mission, and even in that I selected Hundreds” he tilts his head

“Those qualities are, no particular alliance to one lord or another, including me. Sailing experience, and most importantly” he leans forward “The ability to keep secrets”